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44e4 <br /> PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 9-16.01-9-16.10 <br /> PART 16. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD). <br /> 9-16. 01 Purpose <br /> The Planned Unit Development district is intended to permit flexibility of site design,-the conservation <br /> of land and open space through clustering of buildings and activities, and an incentive to developers to <br /> plan creatively by providing density bonuses. This flexibility can be achieved by allowing deviations <br /> from standards including setbacks, heights and similar regulations. "PUDs" are characterized by central <br /> management, integrated planning and architecture, joint or common use of parking, open space and <br /> other facilities, and a harmonious selection and efficient distribution of uses. <br /> 9-16.02 Required Use <br /> 1!1TD zoning is required for all developments having two or more principal uses or structures on a single <br /> parcel of land and may include townhouses, apartment projects involving more than one building, <br /> residential subdivisions, multi-use structures such as an apartment building with retail at ground floor <br /> level, commercial developments, mixed residential and commercial developments, and similar projects. <br /> 9-16.03 General Requirements and Standards <br /> Subdivision 1. Comprehensive Plan/Ordinance Consistences PUD must be consistent with the City <br /> Comprehensive Plan and the intent and purpose of the City Code provisions relative to land use, <br /> subdivision and development. <br /> Subdivision 2. Operating and Maintenance Requirements for PUD Common Qpen Space/Facilities. <br /> Whenever joint common open space or service facilities for individual owners or users are provided <br /> within the PUD, the PUD plan shall provide reasonable assurance of adequate operation and <br /> maintenance of such open space and service facilities. <br /> Subdivision 3. Staging of Public and Common Open Space. When a PUD provides for common or <br /> public open space, the total area of common or public open space or security in any stage of <br /> development, shall, at a minimum, bear the same relationship to the total open space to be provided in <br /> the entire PUD as the stages or units completed or under development bear to the entire PUD. <br /> Subdivision 4. Development Stage. Whenever any PUD is to be developed in stages, no such stage <br /> shall, when averaged with all previously completed stages, have a residential density that exceeds one <br /> hundred twenty-five percent (125 %) of the proposed residential density of the entire PUD. <br /> Subdivision 5. Urban Development and Availability of Public Service . All development shall be <br /> carefully phased so as to ensure that it will not cause an unreasonable burden upon the City in providing <br /> services and utilities or cause a deleterious impact upon the natural environment. <br /> 9-16.04 Permitted Uses and Standards <br /> The permitted uses, standards, and development plan shall be set forth in the ordinance rezoning the <br /> property to PUD. <br /> 153 <br />