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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> July 21, 2009 <br /> Page 5 <br /> 1 Chair Stromgren indicated that any adjustments made between the Kenzington Board and T- <br /> 2 Mobile should be provided at the City Council meeting on Tuesday. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Mr. Daylor questioned if the antennas will affect Sprint and A T &T users within the building. <br /> 5 Mr. Skaalerud replied that the signal will not reach anyone within the building. As far as other <br /> 6 cell phone carriers, T-Mobile operates at a range that is different than emergency service or other <br /> 7 cell phone carriers, and is much different than radio or TV antennas. The antennas will not <br /> 8 interfere with any other signals. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Mr. Don Miller addressed the Planning Commission and stated he was Vice President of the <br /> 11 Kenzington Board until one month ago when his term expired. The Board met with T-Mobile <br /> 12 two or three times and went over the location and the best way to do this. The antennas were <br /> 13 approved by the Board. There are 180 people in the building; everyone that attended the meeting <br /> 14 and the people they talked to all agreed this is a good thing. It will not do damage to any TV <br /> 15 reception in the building. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Chair Stromgren closed the public hearing at 7:47 p.m. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 Commissioner Jensen suggested it may be preferable to relocate the equipment box to allow a <br /> 20 larger space between the box and fence for maintenance, and that a distance of five to six feet <br /> 21 would allow for better emergency response. <br /> 22 <br /> 23 Motion by Commissioner Jensen, seconded by Commissioner Cincoski, to recommend approval <br /> 24 of the Conditional Use Permit for T-Mobile, 2601 Kenzie Terrace with the following conditions: <br /> 25 1) That the proposed tower and antenna structure be similar in design being proposed and any <br /> 26 increase in height of antenna would need an amendment to the approved Conditional Use Permit. <br /> 27 2) Fencing shall allow 6 feet of clearance to the property line fence. <br /> 28 3) Up to 6 trees and 12 shrubs to be added for screening subject to approval of the Kenzington <br /> 29 Board. <br /> 30 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 VII.3. SIGN CUP—ISD 282 ELECTRONIC SIGN AT 3303 —33RD AVE NE <br /> 33 <br /> 34 Chair Stromgren opened the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Assistant City Manager Moore-Sykes presented the staff report on the Conditional Use Permit <br /> 37 (CUP)request by ISD 282. Mr. Linn Bjornrud, Wold Architects and Engineers, contacted staff to <br /> 38 ask about the process for obtaining a CUP to allow for the placement of an electronic sign on the <br /> 39 St. Anthony Middle School and High School (SAMS/SAHS)property. Staff advised Mr. <br /> 40 Bjornrud of the process and the City's sign ordinance at 155.29 DISTRICT SCHEDULES, (D), <br /> 41 states that while electronic signs are permitted with an approved CUP in a Recreational/Open <br /> 42 Space Zoning District; flashing and animation are not permitted(2)(a); and hours of operation <br /> 43 are restricted(2)(b). Mr. Bjornrud appeared before the Planning Commission at a concept review <br /> 44 during the April 21, 2009 Planning Commission meeting to present the ISD 282 electronic sign <br /> 45 proposal. The ISD 282 initial request included animation as part of the software program for the <br /> 46 electronic sign. At the concept review, the Planning Commission advised Mr. Bjomrud that the <br />