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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> July 21, 2009 <br /> Page 6 <br /> 1 proposed animation was not an allowable feature as per the Sign Ordinance. The animation has <br /> 2 since been removed from the School District's proposal and application. As part of the <br /> 3 application, Mr. Bjornrud indicated that the proposed electronic sign will replace the two signs <br /> 4 that existed previously. One double-sided electronic sign will be used by both schools to <br /> 5 communicate events to the community. <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Assistant City Manager Moore-Sykes reviewed the criterion for consideration of the CUP <br /> 8 request. She reported that staff has received no phone calls regarding the proposed electronic <br /> 9 sign for this school location. One resident who lives across the street from the Middle <br /> 10 School/High School voiced concerns about the possible flashing animation or brightness issues <br /> 11 that might be associated with the proposed electronic sign. Staff has also received a call from a <br /> 12 resident who voiced objections about the public notification process for the electronic signs for <br /> 13 both locations, Wilshire Park Elementary and the Middle School/High School. While he is not <br /> 14 neighboring either school,he was concerned that the community would find the information <br /> 15 confusing and difficult to find. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Mr. Linn Bjornrud, Wold Architects and Engineers, addressed the Planning Commission and <br /> 18 stated he is present on behalf of the School District. He noted during the previous reviews there <br /> 19 was discussion of animation that went further to whether the School District could do what they <br /> 20 intended to do without animation. That option was discussed and the School District is pursuing <br /> 21 more of a standard electronic message sign for cost effectiveness and ease of gaining a <br /> 22 recommendation from the Planning Commission. Mr. Bjornrud answered questions of the <br /> 23 Planning Commission regarding the proposed electronic message sign at SAMS/SAHS. The <br /> 24 proposed sign essentially matches the setback of the existing signs. Restricted hours for the sign <br /> 25 are 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Mr. Bjornrud stated the existing sign actually emits quite a bit of light and <br /> 26 he is not aware that it shuts off at any particular time of night. The School District wants to <br /> 27 utilize the signs to gain the benefit they need, but is also interested in improving the situation for <br /> 28 the nearby residents. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Ms. Kristen Atchenson on 33rd Avenue addressed the Planning Commission and stated the <br /> 31 majority of her questions were answered, as she wanted to know about the size of the sign, <br /> 32 illumination, and hours. The current sign is on all night. She inquired about the possibility of <br /> 33 adding trees in the front yards of the residents that are directly across the street from the school. <br /> 34 Chair Stromgren replied that this would be outside of the Planning Commission's authority. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Mr. Bjornrud stated the School District has recently hired a licensed landscape contractor and <br /> 37 intends to have him provide some landscaping around this sign. This is not included in the permit <br /> 38 as it has not been designed yet, but the City could be included in the process. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 Mr. Peter Atchenson addressed the Planning Commission and stated he lives across the street <br /> 41 from the school. He is concerned about light pollution. A lot of this has been taken care of by the <br /> 42 sign issue,but it looks as though there will be more lights put in for the parking lot. He <br /> 43 questioned how the residents will be informed about the sign that will go on the site, as it has not <br /> 44 been purchased yet. He stated things are moving ahead rapidly. Chair Stromgren explained that <br /> 45 the parking lot lighting is not before the Commission at this time,but there are City ordinances <br />