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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 9, 2007 <br />Page 7 <br />1 Mr. Hubmer stated a mixture of the proposed funding options would be used and the $2,000,000 <br />2 of the project is the typical reconstruction amount done on an annual base in St. Anthony. He <br />3 stated the additional $2,000,000 for sanitary sewer and lift station improvement of Foss Road <br />4 and 39`h Avenue. He reported would be paid for by the developer fees charged as Silver Lake <br />5 Village development for additional sewer and water access charge fees, knowing would have to <br />6 do a trunk system upgrade to accommodate the development. He estimated about $1.2 million is <br />7 currently in the fiord and more would be collect as new units come on line. Mr. Hubmer reported <br />8 some tax increment funds available to off set this from other projects. He stated the City is also <br />9 receiving unencumbered refunds for some of the sidewalk and street lighting funds expended <br />10 earlier. <br />11 <br />12 Mayor Faust stated this is a normal year of road reconstruction and by rolling it all together and <br />13 making it one big project; the City saved $350,000 in addition to other synergistic amounts. He <br />14 stated this looks like a lot but it is not out of realm of what the City had been doing or planned to <br />15 do. <br />16 <br />17 Motion By Councilmember Horst, seconded by Councilmember Gray, to Approve Resolution <br />18 07 -014 A Resolution Calling A Hearing On 2007 Street And Utility Improvements. <br />19 <br />20 Motion carried unanimously. <br />21 <br />22 B. Consider Resolution 07 -015• Declare the costs to be assessed and ordering preparation of <br />23 proposed assessments. <br />24 <br />25 Mr. Hubmer stated the bid received for the cost of the project is $3,484,000 and total cost <br />26 would be approximately $4,450,000. He indicated the City would pay is $3,920,000 and the <br />27 assessed portion is proposed at $530,000. He stated the City would be assessing this to property <br />28 owners over 15 years at an interest rate two points above the interest rate of the bonds borrowed <br />29 by the City for the project. Mr. Hubmer indicated a consulting engineer would be made <br />30 available to the City to assess each individual lot. He mentioned the assessments would be <br />31 published and provided to the residents and upon notification of the residents, the City Council <br />32 would consider the project. <br />33 <br />34 City Manager Momson asked Mr. Hubmer if the neighborhood meeting on January 31, 2007 <br />35 would focus on only the street project. <br />36 <br />37 Mr. Hubmer replied yes as there are no assessments for the Highcrest and Highway 88 <br />38 improvements or Chandler and Foss Roads. He stated assessments would be on 39`h Avenue and <br />39 the other portions where total street reconstruction occurs. <br />40 <br />41 City Manager Mornson state this is the largest infrastructure project the City has done over one <br />42 year. He stated this project touches many residents and with the 1/I the project would touch all <br />43 residents and businesses this year. <br />44 <br />