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CC MINUTES 01112005
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 01112005
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 11, 2005 <br />Page 7 <br />Councilmember Stille said the Parks and Recreation Department is in a transition phase and with <br />central park completed, there is no specific report to the council yet. He commented he attended <br />the open house at Sunset Cemetery earlier and said it was a good tour. He noted January 17 will <br />be the final meeting on the Blue Ribbon Task Force, and the School Board, and a report will <br />come shortly after. <br />7 Councilmember Thuesen stated it has been an honor to work on some of the projects in the City, <br />8 specifically the Harding Holding Pond. He noted that there was a lot of citizen input and <br />9 involvement, and encouraged all citizens to provide input to the City. <br />10 <br />11 Councilmember Gray said he appreciated the opportunity to serve the citizens of St. Anthony in <br />12 this capacity. <br />13 <br />14 Mayor Faust said he attended a Blue Ribbon on December 21, and many state representatives <br />15 were in attendance. He noted the representatives and senators encouraged citizens to give input <br />16 to the legislature regarding funding. He said he attended the Mississippi watershed meeting <br />17 earlier and was re- elected to be the representative. <br />18 <br />19 VIII. COMMUNITY FORUM. <br />20 Mayor Faust invited residents to come forward at this time and address the Council on items that <br />21 are not on the regular agenda. <br />22 <br />'^ Dennis Cavanaugh, 2909 St. Anthony Blvd., suggested ideas to consider at the Council Retreat <br />of 2005. He noted 8 items. 1) Complete Silver Lake Village. He said this should be a top <br />25 priority and added that it is a nice piece of work. 2) Complete the Market Place redevelopment. <br />26 He commented he did not like the commercial enterprise crowding the development and would <br />27 like to see some green space. 3) Redevelopment of Silver Lake Road from St. Anthony <br />28 Boulevard to 37th Avenue. 4) The landscaping of the Village should be maintained. He said a <br />29 plan needs to be developed. He said landscaping is a big part of the Village. 5) Work to <br />30 eliminate noise, especially vehicles with illegal mufflers. He said this is an epidemic, and this is <br />31 a statewide problem. 6) Work to enlarge the Hennepin County Library, stating that usage <br />32 increased 10% last year. 7) Assure the community that any building done at Sunset Memorial <br />33 Park maintains the historical character of the property. 8) Find ways to involve the community. <br />34 <br />35 Hearing no further items, Mayor Faust moved forward with the agenda. <br />36 <br />37 IX. INFORMATION AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. <br />38 Mayor Faust announced the legislative policies are now in -house and available. <br />39 <br />40 Mayor Faust stated Comcast announced they will show the international channel 73 to all <br />41 subscribers due to the coverage on the tsunami disaster, rather than just for digital customers. <br />42 <br />43 Mr. Momson said there is public hearing at the next Council meeting for the liquor license for <br />44 Applebees. <br />na <br />Mr. Stromgren said staff had entertained a proposal from an architectural and landscape <br />47 preservation agency to complete a survey and assessment of the administration building at <br />
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