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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />July 11, 2017 <br />Page 7 <br /> <br /> 1 <br />Mayor Faust stated he can’t commit to $450 per month. 2 <br /> 3 <br />Mr. Tapia asked if Council will meet with the residents. Mayor Faust stated everything will be out in the 4 <br />open. Mr. Tapia stated they will not go away. 5 <br /> 6 <br />Mayor Faust commented on the importance of the negotiation between the Council and Continental, 7 <br />noting the City has the ability to issue the permits and holds the final card in the negotiation. Mayor 8 <br />Faust stated his belief that during negotiations, the first party that names a price loses. 9 <br /> 10 <br />Mr. Tapia stated his opinion that the community does not trust the Mayor and Council and the Police 11 <br />Department needs to be reformed. Mr. Tapia stated there needs to be a committee to work on reforms 12 <br />but with the new leadership in Washington, DC, he does not trust the DOJ. Mr. Tapia asked for the 13 <br />Council’s commitment that the Police Chief will meet with the committee regarding reform. 14 <br /> 15 <br />Mayor Faust stated the DOJ is currently doing an analysis of the Police Department and will give 16 <br />recommendations that will be followed. He explained this will most likely occur in the Fall, noting there 17 <br />have been three listening sessions and comments can be sent to the email address available. Mayor Faust 18 <br />stated he would not be willing to meet until after the analysis is completed. 19 <br /> 20 <br />Mr. Bill Wolnow, 3501 Coolidge, stated he has lived there 46 years. He read a draft he prepared for a 21 <br />Letter to the Editor regarding the Lowry Grove closure. Mr. Wolnow questioned why the City did not 22 <br />make Lowry Grove keep up the property, where the inspectors were, and about the storm shelter. He 23 <br />stated he believes Continental paid too much when they purchased the property and he is bothered about 24 <br />profit centers in St. Anthony. Mr. Wolnow stated his belief that the contractors will not lose any money 25 <br />on the deal and the infrastructure is sufficient for the two miles of St. Anthony. He quoted details from 26 <br />the contractors, which he believed were erroneous. Mr. Wolnow discussed the St. Anthony water supply 27 <br />and provided three constraints that he hopes the contractor will follow. 28 <br /> 29 <br />Ms. Antonia Alvarez appeared again before the Council and stated she has worked on organizing the 30 <br />community for 16 years and is frustrated that the Mayor will not accept a meeting with the Lowry Grove 31 <br />residents. 32 <br /> 33 <br />Ms. Karin Wyberg stated she is part of the silent majority. She is a long-term resident of St. Anthony 34 <br />and knew Frank from Lowry Grove. She stated her belief that the Lowry Grove residents have sacrificed 35 <br />much. She stated she has never felt threatened in St. Anthony and there are other communities that she 36 <br />has had no interaction with, such as Diamond Eight Terrace Apartments and Lowry Grove. She stated 37 <br />she has reached out, became involved, and organized the conversation at Nativity when the Islamic 38 <br />Center was denied. Ms. Wyberg stated it hurts her to be part of a community where people have become 39 <br />homeless and the City let it happen. She congratulated the Council on their concern for water but noted 40 <br />they do not have concern for the neighbors in Lowry Grove. 41 <br /> 42 <br />Mr. Brian Buck stated they have been residents for 11 years. He communicated his support for real 43 <br />affordable housing and the petition that was submitted. Mr. Buck stated he appreciates the fact that this 44 <br />dialog is happening this evening and encouraged everyone to be proactive rather than reactive. He stated 45 <br />he has been struck by the economic disparity with the Lowry Grove residents, noting his children have 46 <br />11