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PL PACKET 09252017
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PL PACKET 09252017
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />August 28 , 2017 <br />Page 12 <br /> <br />Ms. Carolyn Buzza, 2617 27th Avenue, part of SoSo neighborhood, stated she is in favor of high 1 <br />densit y housing in Lowry Grove when done thoughtfully and done well. She learned this evening 2 <br />about the settlement conditions and s he would like to learn more about the settlement. 3 <br /> 4 <br />Mr. Andrew May, 2500 27th Avenue NE, member of SoSo neighborhood. He commented about 5 <br />the alley, stating t he alley is 12 -feet wide which is concave to a couple of catch basins. He is 6 <br />concerned about the amount of impervious surface with widening the alley and the driveways. 7 <br />The plan does not add any additional catch basins to the alley. The flooding issues would be 8 <br />exacerbated and he is concerned he will have a wet basement. 9 <br /> 10 <br />Mr. Jesse Pilaturna, 2616 27th Avenue NE, commented regarding the proposed development and 11 <br />impact on the schools. He cited experiences he encountered in Columbus, Ohio. They selected to 12 <br />live in St. Anthony because of the schools. There is a range of pos sible outcomes to the schools. 13 <br />He noted the schools are currently at capacity and t his development could trigger the need for a 14 <br />new school. He supports the affordable housing of the Lowry Grove development and thinks the 15 <br />site for a new school needs to be found along with the funding source for the new school. 16 <br /> 17 <br />Ms. Ginny Lahti, 2601 Kenzie Terrace, stated she loves the neighborhood and is concerned 18 <br />about the proposed development and how it will affect her neighborhood. She read the 2008 19 <br />Comprehensive Plan and stated she does not support the Comp Plan amendment to increase the 20 <br />unit. She would like to see 400 total units and believes the heights of the proposed buildings are 21 <br />not compatible with the surrounding area as these tall buildings would limit her view and 22 <br />sunlight. She would like to see the height of the buildings 3-4 stories and the townhomes 1-2 23 <br />stories. She cares about St. Anthony and is concerned about the safety of the pedestrians. 24 <br /> 25 <br />Mr. Tom Deegan, 2616 Pahl Avenue, stated he is impressed with his neighborhood. He stated 26 <br />the Fire Chief reviewed the plan. Mr. Deegan does not believe a fire truck could enter the 27 <br />northeast corner of the property. He submitted an email with his concerns , stating t here needs to 28 <br />be included in the plan that a fire truck can get in front of a house. He asked that the approval be 29 <br />stopped and also asked what the project value is. He noted the civil engineer did not get the 30 <br />dimensions of a fire truck to ensure it would be considered and t he alley is to be widened to 20 31 <br />feet so it will become a road. Mr. Deegan asked if there would be curb and gutter installed and 32 <br />stated he is not in favor of the proposal until these issues are addressed. 33 <br /> 34 <br />Mr. Lowell Ludford, 2813 Townview Avenue NE, stated he has lived in St. Anthony for 56 35 <br />years. He summarized some events that have occurred in St. Anthony over the years and 36 <br />suggested the voters be able to vote on the re-development of Lowry Grove on November 7, 37 <br />2017. He felt this was an important tax issue that will affect all St. Anthony taxpayers and stated 38 <br />the Council could have the benefit of resident input. 39 <br /> 40 <br />Ms. Gayle Bonneville, 1845 Stinson Parkway, Windom Parks Citizens in Action Organization , 41 <br />stated she reviewed a motion passed by the Board of Directors Meeting last week. They request 42 <br />St. Anthony Village commission a new traffic study by a neutral third party, that the density be 43 <br />no more than 25 -40 units per acre, and the buildings be no higher than three residential stories. 44 <br />She stated the architectural style and building materials should match that of the neighborhood 45 <br />and t he lighting in the development be pointed downward. She also asked that active play areas 46 <br />12
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