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PL PACKET 09252017
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PL PACKET 09252017
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />August 28 , 2017 <br />Page 13 <br /> <br />for adults and children be incorporated into the plan, that there are no construction vehicles or 1 <br />equipment be allowed on Minneapolis streets, and that construction hours adhere to M inneapolis 2 <br />ordinance. 3 <br /> 4 <br />Ms. Robin Rovick, 3000 Croft Drive, stated she came to the meeting with an open mind. She 5 <br />works for an engineering firm and her husband is a civil engineer. She explained the two issues 6 <br />that come up are the visual and look of the project and the density. She stated the density in the 7 <br />metro area was not driven by the needs of the population but, rather, developers want to 8 <br />maximize profits. She stated renters are not seeking smaller units as previously mentioned, that’s 9 <br />all they can afford. She felt this piece of property has been watched by developers for many 10 <br />years, noting t he infrastructure costs spread across a higher number of units would benefit the 11 <br />renters which is also untrue according to Ms. Rovick. She believed the increased density only 12 <br />benefits the developer as they walk away with more money but 1,000 additional cars will make 13 <br />an imp act. Ms. Rovick stated other residents will not drive to the development to use the park 14 <br />space within the development and they probably could not find a place to park. 15 <br /> 16 <br />Mr. Bill V olana, 3501 Coolidge, commented on water conservation. He quoted information from 17 <br />the Met Council regarding the aquifer and asked about the water pumps and will the 20% 18 <br />increase in population have water. He commented on how sewage will be handled. 19 <br /> 20 <br />Ms. Rachel Bode, 2722 Stinson Parkway, commented she is happy with the groups that worked 21 <br />hard to see that affordable housing would be part of the project. She is disheartened to learn that 22 <br />the settlement has conditions relating to the approval of the higher density requested. She would 23 <br />like to see the residents of Lowry Grove remain in the City but does not feel it is right for The 24 <br />Village to bully the City with the conditions of the settlement. She is thankful the voices of the 25 <br />neighbors are being heard and asked the Commission to follow the recommendations of the staff. 26 <br />She objects to the developer’s request to increase density. She stated the plan should be revised 27 <br />to address the concerns of the residents and suggested some commercial space be added to the 28 <br />development. 29 <br /> 30 <br />Ms. Nancy Robinett, 3408 31st Avenue NE, addressed the issue of CPG and The Village LLC. 31 <br />She commented on the settlement contingent on density and stated s he thought this settlement 32 <br />was confidential and Lowry Grove residents were under a gag order, which is why none of them 33 <br />spoke this evening. 34 <br /> 35 <br />Ms. Leah Roddy, 3913 Penrod Lane, stated the submitted plans and drastic change in density 36 <br />will affect the community. She stated there are many parks within the City and t he “selling” of 37 <br />the park within the develo pment is not working. She agreed there should be another traffic study, 38 <br />noting there is not adequate classroom space so there will be a referendum vote in September. 39 <br />She stated she will be voting in favor. She loves living in St. Anthony but thinks this is a terrible 40 <br />plan. 41 <br /> 42 <br />Ms. Mel Chaput, 3537 Coolidge St NE, stated she has been working with Lowry Grove residents 43 <br />for a year, there are still several that are homeless, and there are children going hungry every 44 <br />day. She believes the biggest priority should be helping the residents of Lowry Grove , noting 45 <br />none of the residents can afford to live in the new development. 46 <br />13
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