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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />August 28 , 2017 <br />Page 14 <br /> <br /> 1 <br />Chairman Gondorchin stated all speakers that have signed in have spoken. He asked if there was 2 <br />a list of questions to be answered. City Planner Rothstein stated she does not have any specific 3 <br />questions. 4 <br /> 5 <br />Commissioner Papatola stated he noticed a few comments about craft, traffic, 27th and 29th traffic 6 <br />changes, the reference to the northern project in comparison to this project, fire truck access, and 7 <br />the speakers wanted more clarity on these issues. 8 <br /> 9 <br />Chairman G ondorchin opened the floor for anyone that wishes to further speak this evening. 10 <br /> 11 <br />Mr. Alan Arthur, Aon, stated he felt compelled to clarify that Aon and the resident’s group beat 12 <br />up The Village LLC. He stated the settlement reached was fair and honest and the best 13 <br />resolution. He stated there is no question that the higher density has a direct relationship to the 14 <br />affordable housing created on that site. Mr. Arthur stated he would be happy to do the 15 <br />calculations. 16 <br /> 17 <br />Mr. Tom Deegan asked if the Commission would be voting this evening and Chairman 18 <br />Gondorchin said the Commission will vote after all the speakers are finished. Mr. Deegan noted 19 <br />there are no engineering statistics that those cities providing mutual aid to St. Anthony, their fire 20 <br />trucks would not be able to access any of the roads based on the design which is against the law. 21 <br /> 22 <br />City Planner Rothstein stated the St. Anthony Fire Chief has reviewed the plan and made 23 <br />detailed comments that are included in the staff report. One comment was there needs to be 24 <br />appropriate turn-arounds in the NE corner of the site. This was the primary concern the Fire 25 <br />Chief had and r evised plans have been requested from the developer to address this concern. 26 <br /> 27 <br />Mr. Michael Mergins, Legal Counsel for Developer, stated the preliminary PUD application is 28 <br />before the Commission, comments are received from staff, and the projects are refined. Me 29 <br />stated the Fire Department’s comments will be addressed and that’s why there is a final PUD 30 <br />process. The level of detail is much greater on the final PUD. Mr. Mergins stated the settlement 31 <br />was not a ploy. The parties reviewed the settlement many times, each party had legal 32 <br />representation, and it is contingent upon the approval of the development plans. 33 <br /> 34 <br />Mr. Steve Baler, 2601 Kenzie Terrace, asked what the affordable housing density per acre is and 35 <br />is there an access and egress out of the NE corner. Chairman Gondorchin stated per the Comp 36 <br />Plan the range is 25 -40 units per acre. Commissioner Papatola clarified Mr. Baler was asking 37 <br />what is the density requested for this project. Chairman Gondorchin stated 55 units per acre. City 38 <br />Planner Rothstein stated there is not an access out of the NE Corner. Mr. Baler clarified the roads 39 <br />do not drive into the alley and Ms. Rothstein agreed. 40 <br /> 41 <br />Mr. Perry Thorvig, 3112 Townview Avenue, stated earlier in the staff report it was mentioned 42 <br />that in her opinion the use of the alley for access by the townhomes was consistent with City 43 <br />practices. He stated the neighbors would agree what is presented by the developer is 44 <br />unprecedented as there is no other alley with that type of access. 45 <br /> 46 <br />14