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/aGs ssl <br />C4n4rccd- s <br />CITY OF ST. ANTHONY <br />RESOLUTION 01 -026 <br />A RESOLUTION ADOPTING GUIDELINES FOR A <br />CITY -WIDE FLOOD RELIEF PROGRAM AND <br />PROVISION FOR FUNDING <br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of St. Anthony approved a Storm Water Capital <br />Improvement Program, which included the initiation of a Flood Relief Grant <br />Program at their December 3, 1997 Regular Council Meeting; and <br />WHEREAS, attached hereto are the proposed guidelines for said program in the City of St. <br />Anthony. Significant points of the proposed program are as follows: <br />• $100,000 of storm water utility funds will be dedicated in 2001 for the <br />program. <br />• All property (owner - occupied or renter - occupied) subject to recurrent <br />flooding will be eligible for a grant. <br />• The City will pay 65 % of the cost of an approved project and the <br />property owner will pay 35 % of the cost. <br />• All applications will be due by June 1, 2001. The total eligible project <br />funding, per property owner, is $10,000. Projects are awarded by the <br />St. Anthony City Council. <br />• The property owner will apply for a grant. The City Public Works <br />Department will administer the program, with assistance from the firm <br />of WSB & Associates, Inc. Applicants will be interviewed to evaluate <br />the flooding problem. Proposed solutions will be reviewed by the Public <br />Works Department. <br />Eligible improvements which could be approved by the City Engineer includes, <br />but is not limited to, the following: <br />Filling, grading and sodding around the house or points of water entry. <br />2. Adding or modifying window wells. <br />Eliminating basement windows and substituting with glass blocks. <br />4. Replacing large basement windows with smaller windows. <br />