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CC PACKET 05222018
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CC PACKET 05222018
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />May 8, 2018 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />Ms. Webster stated she joined the Police Department on the site visit and learned how other 1 <br />departments interact in other communities. Ms. Webster provided a comparison of the two cities. 2 <br />A picture of the group meeting was shown. Ms. Webster reviewed community oriented policing 3 <br />services. Ms. Cox provided a model for the community and reviewed information regarding a 4 <br />Children’s Festival. 5 <br /> 6 <br />Mr. Bernard Walker stated he was privileged to attend the site visit and enjoyed interacting with 7 <br />the residents, Chief, and Sergeant. Chief Mangseth asked him to speak this evening. He stated 8 <br />the group investigated the City of North Hampton, which the Police Department described as a 9 <br />city of diversity. More information on the demographics was provided. He noted the city is 10 <br />diverse but he does not know how equitable it is. North Hampton provides community 11 <br />engagement through Coffee with a Cop, Fish Derby, and the School Resource Officer. St. 12 <br />Anthony Police also has community engagement opportunities. The Mission Statement of North 13 <br />Hampton was reviewed along with the Statement of Values. Mr. Walker provided a summary of 14 <br />a Forum that was held along with the panelists, explaining that North Hampton presents a 15 <br />pristine image of their Police Department but he felt there was a systemic problem that needs to 16 <br />be addressed. 17 <br /> 18 <br />Mr. Ben Phillip, resident, stated he also attended the site visit and witnessed the type of events 19 <br />done in North Hampton, noting not every event fits every community. He commented it is 20 <br />important for Police to engage with the community and he is certain the St. Anthony Police are 21 <br />striving to make changes. He recommended everyone engage with the St. Anthony Police 22 <br />Department and advised the Police Department to communicate. 23 <br /> 24 <br />Sgt. Mike Huddle commented North Hampton was successful in some areas and they did have 25 <br />some failures. They took a different approach to reach out to overdose victims to connect them to 26 <br />the help they needed, to the homeless population, and had found ways to involve the community 27 <br />and share the responsibility to take on problems and contribute. He is thankful for the team he 28 <br />was with, stating it would not have been the same without Dr. Walker attending. Sgt. Huddle 29 <br />stated he was challenged to think in different ways and acknowledged he has a lot more to learn. 30 <br /> 31 <br />Police Chief Mangseth thanked the members of the group for their participation on the trip and 32 <br />stated he learned a lot from these experiences and conversations. 33 <br /> 34 <br />Councilmember Stille summarized issues that need to be acknowledged and challenged everyone 35 <br />to do that. 36 <br /> 37 <br />Councilmember Jenson thanked the group for speaking from the heart, noting opportunities for 38 <br />improvement need to be found. 39 <br /> 40 <br />Councilmember Randle stated his father told him and his siblings to work for progress not 41 <br />perfection, which is going to take hard work and they will need to find a way to make it happen. 42 <br /> 43 <br />Mayor Faust thanked the group and stated he has hope for the future. He believes the Police 44 <br />Department is all in on this and wants to do the right thing. He stated it is better to ask what is 45 <br />wanted rather than tell people what they want. 46 <br />4
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