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PK PACKET 06112018
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PK PACKET 06112018
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6/6/2018 11:22:02 AM
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Parks Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />March 12, 2018 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />hoping to have clean-up kits available for people to take home to continue neighborhood 1 <br />clean-up. She stated that more details are available on the CFS website and Facebook page. 2 <br /> 3 <br />Ms. Mroz provided information on pollinator kits. She stated that CFS is working to promote 4 <br />a native seed exchange at local events, such as the Earth Day Clean-Up and Arbor Day events. 5 <br />She stated that a number of the CFS members are interested in organic compost pilot sites. 6 <br />She noted that curbside pickup can be challenging for a community of this size and therefore 7 <br />they are looking at local drop-off opportunities. She stated that both Ramsey and Hennepin 8 <br />counties have funding available to create a drop-off location within St. Anthony. She stated 9 <br />that CFS is going to bring a request to the City Council, identifying locations within both 10 <br />Ramsey and Hennepin counties that could be used for organics drop-off. She stated that the 11 <br />CFS members have advocated for pedestrian and bicycle safety over the years. She stated that 12 <br />CFS is reaching out to residents for assistance in asking both Ramsey and Hennepin counties 13 <br />in collaborating for improvements at County Road C and Highway 88. She noted that a 14 <br />number of entities are involved in that intersection and therefore prior planning would be 15 <br />helpful to ensure that pedestrian/bicycle safety is being considered in the planning process. 16 <br /> 17 <br />Commissioner Jordahl Redlin referenced the organics collection and asked who would pickup 18 <br />the material from the drop-off site. 19 <br /> 20 <br />Ms. Mroz replied that for the Ramsey County location, Ramsey County would facilitate the 21 <br />pickup of the material. She was unsure how the Hennepin County site would be collected. 22 <br /> 23 <br />Commissioner Jordahl Redlin asked is Salo Park would be included in the Earth Day events, 24 <br />as it was shown on the slide but not mentioned in the presentation. 25 <br /> 26 <br />Ms. Mroz confirmed that Salo Park would be included in the activities for the Earth Day 27 <br />event. She stated that CFS identified two areas for the activities this year. She stated that 28 <br />Salo Park works with the apartments nearby to clean-up that area. She stated that the CFS 29 <br />will be more focused at Trillium and Silver Point parks. 30 <br /> 31 <br />Sports Booster Rep. Kuykendall referenced the pedestrian safety at the intersection mentioned 32 <br />and asked if the pedestrian pathway would fit within the current configuration of the roadway, 33 <br />or whether the traffic design would change. 34 <br /> 35 <br />Ms. Mroz replied that she has not personally seen those plans. 36 <br /> 37 <br />C. Recommendation to City Council regarding the Parkland Dedicated for the 38 <br />Southern Gateway Project located at 251 Lowry Avenue (motion requested) by 39 <br />Breanne Rothstein, City Planner. 40 <br /> 41 <br />City Planner Rothstein presented a request for parkland dedication from the Southern 42 <br />Gateway project. She explained that City Code requires that every project dedicate a 43 <br />reasonable amount of land, or cash in lieu, for parkland and reviewed the policy details. She 44 <br />stated that the developer has presented a request to satisfy the parkland dedication required, 45 <br />identifying the proposed parkland dedication. She stated that in addition to the park land, a 46
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