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PK PACKET 06112018
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PK PACKET 06112018
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6/6/2018 11:22:38 AM
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6/6/2018 11:22:02 AM
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Parks Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />March 12, 2018 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />system of trails is also included. She stated that this development would have 414 units, 1 <br />mixed between seniors and general occupancy. She stated that the units would be surrounded 2 <br />by a trail system that would have connections to the existing City system and would be 3 <br />available for use by the general public. She stated that there are also general activity nodes 4 <br />throughout the property along the trail system. She stated that the preliminary plat has been 5 <br />recommended for approval by the Planning Commission and therefore staff would also like a 6 <br />recommendation from the Park Commission which staff will bring forward to the City 7 <br />Council. She provided three examples of cross sections throughout the project that will be 8 <br />part of the trail system/activity nodes. She provided details on how the Commission can 9 <br />evaluate the request for park dedication. She stated that staff is asking for a recommendation 10 <br />on the formula for calculating park dedication. She recommended that the Commission 11 <br />require cash in lieu, subtracting the value of the trail easement and construction cost of the 12 <br />trail to determine the cash contribution from the developer. 13 <br /> 14 <br />Traci Thomas, Village LLC, provided an overview of the proposed project, noting that the 15 <br />preliminary plat was approved by the Planning Commission on February 26, 2018. She 16 <br />explained how the project evolved to address comments from the surrounding neighbors. She 17 <br />requested that the Park Commission accept an easement for the public land dedication 18 <br />requirement. She referenced the public land dedication within the staff report, noting that 19 <br />only includes the trail on the north side of the site. She noted that updated information was 20 <br />provided to staff today, which includes the full trail system that includes additional trails and 21 <br />activity nodes. 22 <br /> 23 <br />Kevin Phifer, Wenck Engineering, stated that this is an ideal location for additional 24 <br />greenspace in the City as it will connection different public areas. He stated that there would 25 <br />be about one-half mile of trails that loop through the development and provide connections to 26 <br />the current trail system. He stated that they will attempt to save as many trees as possible and 27 <br />will add additional trees and landscaping within the park dedication area. He provided 28 <br />additional details on the activity nodes which could include community gardens, picnic areas, 29 <br />pollinator gardens, benches, lighting, and public art display. He stated that they would like 30 <br />input from the Commission on the amenities desired for the activity nodes. 31 <br /> 32 <br />Jered Ward, Wenck Engineering, stated that the area within the easement proposed is 3.44 33 <br />acres, which is greater than the 1.37 acres required by City Code. He stated that this park 34 <br />would be unique because it accommodates all types of users because of the variety of activity 35 <br />nodes. He stated that there would be 2.8 acres of open space, outside of the trails themselves. 36 <br />He stated that this would fit within the connectivity of the City and would also fill a void in 37 <br />the southwest corner of the City for those users. He stated that they feel that this linear park 38 <br />would fit well with the objectives of the City. 39 <br /> 40 <br />Commissioner Jordahl Redlin asked if there would be a cap on the construction costs, as 41 <br />identified in the staff recommendation. 42 <br /> 43 <br />City Planner Rothstein confirmed that staff would review the proposed cost and place a cap on 44 <br />the construction costs, using common construction costs and the engineer’s estimate for 45 <br />reference. 46
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