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PK PACKET 10062004
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PK PACKET 10062004
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />September 13, 2004 <br />Page 2 <br />1 trees and make sure they are being maintained properly. Public Works Director Hartman clarified the <br />2 area stating that he would have someone take a look and address the problem. <br />3 <br />4 Vice Chair Koehntop suggested consulting with an arborist from time to time to ensure that the trees are <br />5 being properly maintained. He stated that an arborist could possibly provide suggestions as to what they <br />6 could do to help the trees that are stressed. Chair Jindra suggested submitting the request to Council for <br />7 consideration. <br />8 <br />9 Commissioner Ganley agreed stating that there are areas in the park that are difficult to get to and asked <br />10 if there is a way to get water to some of the trees in Central Park. Public Works Director Hartman stated <br />11 that he would have someone review the area. <br />12 <br />13 Public Works Director Hartman stated that he has discussed the erosion problems in the batting cage <br />14 area noting that since the discussion, artificial turf has been installed, which has resolved the erosion <br />15 problems in that area. <br />16 <br />17 Vice Chair Koehntop stated that an apron near the ball fields has also been installed and reviewed with <br />18 the Commission. <br />19 <br />Public Works Director Hartman stated that an ag-line has also been added to field. He noted the <br />21 Commission's concerns regarding the soccer field goals stating that installation of the pads on the end of <br />22 the posts has been completed. He stated that the boards for the hockey rink have been installed and the <br />23 rink is now completed. He stated that the northwest field ponding at second base has also been resolved. <br />24 He reviewed the open punch list items with the Commission noting that he has also included the water <br />25 ponding at the bottom of stairs in addition to a review for the overall condition of the trees. He stated <br />26 that he plans to meet with Mr. Koechlien at the end of the week to review the punch list and perform the <br />27 walkthrough of the park. He stated that he would provide the Commission with an update. <br />28 <br />29 B. Recap Grand Opening - Central Park <br />30 <br />31 Chair Jindra stated that the Grand Opening celebration for Central Park went very well. She indicated <br />32 that everyone had a great time and reviewed with the Commission. She acknowledged and thanked <br />33 everyone for his or her involvement and support. <br />34 <br />35 Chair Jindra asked if anyone has reviewed Silver Point Park recently. Public Works Director Hartman <br />36 stated that Staff does a review of all parks everyday and reviewed the process with the Commission. <br />37 <br />38 Commissioner Ganley asked if there was any funding available for seeding at the park. Public Works <br />39 Director Hartman stated that it has been over -seeded three times this year adding that they would <br />40 continue to monitor the area to ensure that the seeding has taken. <br />4l <br />4, Chair Jindra asked if they plan to keep the shelters at Central Park open throughout the year. Public <br />43 Works Director Hartman confirmed that the park shelter is open all year and reviewed with the <br />44 Commission. <br />45 <br />
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