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Joint Parks Commission and Council Meeting Minutes <br />Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />June 9, 2003 <br />Page 9 <br />1 stated that through the course of the project it was determined that the area would require more than four <br />2 treatments. He further explained that they could not fertilize the area without the sprinkler system, <br />3 which is why there was a delay in the process. <br />4 <br />5 Mr. Zurbey expressed concerns stating that they contracted to have a completed park, with growing <br />6 grass. He stated that it is not the responsibility of the City at this point adding that if they do not fertilize <br />7 area that the grass would get worse. He clarified that he heard, earlier in the meeting, that Mr. <br />8 Koechlien believes they should place more see and that Premier does not want to do it. He stated that at <br />9 some point they should just say it has to be done. Mr. Koechlien clarified that if the grass begins to <br />10 grow, as expected, that Premier should not have to reseed. He stated that if, upon inspection of the <br />11 growth, the grass is found not be growing and has bare spots, that Premier should come back and reseed <br />12 the area. He stated that concerns expressed by the Commission at the last meeting addressed issues that <br />13 some areas were eroding and the Commission did not want to continue reseeding until the erosion issue <br />14 had been resolved. He stated that they now have the erosion control in place and agreed that they should <br />15 get back in to reseed some of the affected areas. He stated that he tries to inspect the area every day in <br />16 order to monitor the progress and determine what has been completed. <br />17 <br />18 Mr. Anderson asked Mr. Koechlien to determine how many times they have actually fertilized the area <br />19 and update the Commission. Public Works Director Hartman stated that they have a good contractor <br />" - noting that weather has been a key deterrent to the progress of the project. He reviewed the damage <br />done by the recent rains noting that on the last visit the City was told that it was their fourth time <br />22 repairing the area. He reviewed the work that has been done stating that the contractor provided a fiber <br />23 blanket, has reseeded the area and are now preparing to fertilize. He stated that they are expecting a <br />24 good amount of growth in that area. He stated that in defense of the contractor, it is the contractor's <br />25 perspective that he has been very reasonable with respect to the erosion caused by the weather <br />26 conditions. He stated that this would be the last time the contractor would fertilize the area as it is now <br />27 beyond the agreed upon four treatments. <br />28 <br />29 Mr. Zurbey asked what process they would take to ensure that the trees and flowers are receiving the <br />30 appropriate amount of nutrients. Mr. Koechlien explained that they fertilize the trees and flowers at the <br />31 time of placement and no further fertilizing is required. He stated that there is a warranty on the plants <br />32 and reviewed with the Commission. <br />33 <br />34 Commissioner Hallada asked for an update on the two sets of bleachers. Public Works Director <br />35 Hartman stated that he has been working with Lauren and the distributor to determine who ordered the <br />36 bleachers. He explained that the bleachers would be uniform adding that they have not determined <br />37 where all of the bleachers would be placed. <br />38 <br />39 Chair Jindra stated that the original plans did not include dugouts and now they also intend to add a <br />40 concession stand. She expressed concerns that the area would not be large enough adding that it is her <br />41 understanding that the school would be responsible for the costs for removal and installation. <br />Vice Chair Koehntop asked for further clarification of the purpose for an additional concession stand. <br />44 Mr. Zurbey explained that clarification should come from the school adding that it is the responsibility <br />