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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />October 11, 1999 <br />Page 4 <br />1 Jindra commented that one set of bleachers was currently in place. Roadfeldt was concerned <br />2 about the installation of a second set of bleachers that would be too close to the walking path and <br />3 the possibility of someone running into the corner of the bleachers. <br />4 Jindra reminded the Commission that decisions needed to be made about the positioning of a <br />5 warming house. Jindra asked Mr. Hartman about ideas for the shelters. Mr. Hartman said he is <br />6 considering options, but that the Commission would have to decide if hockey and figure skating <br />7 would be offered. <br />8 Jindra clarified that, this year, there would not be any skating offered because the park is still un- <br />g der construction and the turf is not established. Mr. Hartman mentioned that a sign was installed <br />10 to request residents to respect that the park is not fully open for use, but that the walking trails are <br />11 available. <br />12 Jensen suggested that Central Park would be ideal for offering hockey because lights are installed <br />13 and only boards would be needed. He felt there was a demand for a hockey rink. Jindra stated <br />14 this would be an excellent discussion for a future meeting. <br />15 Roadfeldt asked if the walking path would be cleared during the winter. Mr. Hartman stated the <br />16 paths would be maintained during the winter. <br />17 VI. UPDATE ON PARKS COMMISSIONERS TERMS. <br />18 Jindra announced that Joanne Kosciolek had tendered her resignation and that her position as Parks <br />19 Commissioner would be available. She also mentioned that currently there is one position already <br />20 available that needed to be filled. <br />21 Also, Jindra mentioned, Paul Louiselle's term would be ending in December 1999. <br />22 Commissioner Louiselle could retain his position by writing a letter to the Commission <br />23 expressing that interest. <br />24 Jindra clarified for the Commission that there are currently two positions available and possibly a <br />25 third, depending on Commissioner Louiselle's decision. <br />26 George Marks offered that his term as Council Liaison would be ending at the end of 1999 as <br />27 well. <br />28 Jindra stated that residents interested in becoming a member of the Parks Commission needed to <br />29 submit a letter to the Commission and the process would continue from that point. <br />30 Kosciolek stated that she would continue in her position until the end of the year or until her re - <br />31 placement could be found, whichever occurs first. <br />32 VII. DISCUSS PROPOSED ITEMS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS. None. <br />