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PK PACKET 07121999
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PK PACKET 07121999
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />June 15, 1999 <br />Page 2 <br />1 Koehntop asked whether the drawing includes trees along 33rd Avenue, and whether these would <br />2 be planted for the grand opening. Jindra stated that Augie Wong had provided a diagram listing <br />3 all the trees to be planted. Hartman stated the trees will be planted as part of the contract. <br />4 <br />5 Louiselle asked whether the type of trees to be planted along 33rd Avenue had been decided <br />6 upon. Koehntop stated it was not discussed but the Commission would need to make a decision. <br />7 Hartman stated the trees will be one of the last things completed. <br />8 <br />9 Jindra stated Wagner had indicated at a recent meeting that the Kiwanis organization had funds <br />10 for possible use in the play area, and the Commission might want to consider accepting a <br />1 t donation for gliders which had not been budgeted. Louiselle agreed to review the glider <br />12 information received by the equipment subcommittee. Jindra agreed to contact Wagner. <br />13 <br />14 Jindra stated that some of the fencing along 33rd Avenue will be wrought iron, and she noted a <br />15 beautiful wrought iron fence she had seen on Boom Island. She added this is already included in <br />16 the budget. Hartman stated he would request a depiction of the proposed fencing from BRW. <br />17 <br />18 Jensen stated the plan includes amur maples along 33rd Avenue as well as shrubs and shrub <br />19 roses. Koehntop noted the maples are a hedge -like tree. Hallada stated they are attractive and <br />20 bushy, and turn red in the fall, but in her opinion would not be suitable along a boulevard. <br />21 Roadfeldt expressed concern that such a bush would obstruct the view of the park from the street. <br />22 <br />23 Koehntop suggested a regular maple would be more appropriate, and would provide a canopy. <br />24 He added that lindens might be appropriate, which grow fast and are already along the tennis <br />25 courts. Hallada agreed that lindens would be a nice alternative. Koehntop and Hallada agreed to <br />26 meet before the Commission's next meeting to discuss alternatives and make recommendations <br />27 to the Commission. Hartman agreed to inform BRW that the Commission was reviewing <br />28 alternative landscape plans. Jindra requested that Hallada receive a copy of the site plan. <br />29 <br />30 V. SILVER POINT PARK UPDATE <br />31 Jindra noted the Commission had toured the Silver Point Park site and construction is <br />32 progressing nicely with a few exceptions. <br />33 <br />34 Jindra stated the ballfield backstops may be too low and additional posts or netting may be <br />35 necessary on one of the fields. Jensen confirmed both fields will require additional backstop. <br />36 <br />37 Jindra stated the issue of bleacher safety should be discussed. Hartman stated a new set of <br />38 bleachers had been ordered at a total cost of $4,000, and an additional set would need to be <br />39 ordered. <br />40 <br />41 Jindra stated the Commission had requested that BRW install additional grate bars where water <br />42 enters the park to provide safety, as there is currently too much space between the ground and the <br />43 grates. <br />44 <br />
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