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PK PACKET 03122001
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PK PACKET 03122001
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />February 12, 2001 <br />Page 2 <br />I Ms. Olivier noted that the break-out area includes a small vending space, sink and cabinetry, a <br />2 gas fireplace, and benches. <br />3 Ms. Olivier added that the women's restroom includes 3 stalls, one handicapped; and the men's <br />4 restroom includes 2 urinals, one handicapped, <br />5 with access to the exterior picnic pavilion. <br />6 Ms. Olivier stated that the picnic pavilion has two charcoal/wood barbecue areas. She continued <br />7 that the concession stand, with roll -down shutters and glass block, faces the soccer fields. The <br />8 custodial area includes a ladder and hatch to the mezzanine mechanical space where the <br />9 electrical panel and hot water heater are located. The <br />0 Additional storage houses the pool equipment. n pe of ladder is yet to be determined. <br />1 <br />2 Ms. Olivier explained that he exterior prairie style design has been maintained. The barbecue <br />3 area has a counter and solid walls between parties to maintain privacy. She noted that in regard <br />4 to the interior elevation, the trusses are still being studied. The plan includes a tongue and groove <br />5 ceiling, and he interiors will be easy to maintain. <br />6 <br />7 In response to Jenson's inquiry as to the overall footprint, Ms. Oliver replied that it is 4,180 <br />8 square feet, 38' x 90' at the widest point. Jenson inquired as to how the compares to the current <br />9 building. Ms. Olivier stated that it is approximately 2 %2 times larger. <br />0 <br />Skrivseth asked if there is a locked space for the summer program equipment including tables <br />and chairs. It was decided that it would be sufficient to close off one breakout area for the <br />3 summer program. <br />4 <br />5 Skrivseth added that for summer of 2000, from the end of May through Labor Day, 30 permits <br />6 were issued for groups to use the park, the majority being family <br />cnics. Skrivseth noted that <br />7 the largest group numbered approximately 100 people. Skrivseth expla ned that the groups have <br />8 been charged a bookkeeping fee of $15 for residents and $25 for non-residents, rather than a <br />9 rental fee, with the majority of groups being residents. <br />0 <br />1 Jenson asked if there is 2 %z times more capacity for groups since the building is 2 '/z times larger <br />2 to which Ms. Olivier responded that is not the case as larger bathrooms, concessions, and storage <br />3 space have been added, but the picnic space has been doubled. <br />4 <br />5 Anderson suggested that with the new facility, a more aggressive rate structure might need to be <br />6 considered. Jindra stated that recommendations will need to be made regarding the details of <br />7 handling groups. <br />V Jindra inquired as to he type of glass used in the design to which Ms. Olivier stated that <br />0 tempered glass will be used. The thermopane will avoid heat loss and the large overhangs will <br />1 create shade to avoid sun gain. <br />2 <br />Ganley asked about soundproofing, and Ms. Olivier noted that there is no soundproofing in the <br />-4 design at this time, but showed the carpet samples and samples of the hea <br />5 entrance and the bathrooms. vy rubber the for the <br />
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