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PK PACKET 03122001
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PK PACKET 03122001
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />February 12, 2001 <br />Page 3 <br />1 Ms. Olivier noted that the concession area measures 12.5' x 16.5'. She added that she will be <br />2 meeting with their restaurant consultant to review the area for code requirements. <br />3 <br />4 Mr. Kost explained that, based on input from the Fields Subcommittee, a decision needs to be <br />5 made regarding soccer vs. ice and summer hockey, which he will discuss in Agenda Item V. <br />6 Jenson added that the size of the warming house may be impacted by this decision. <br />7 <br />8 Ms. Olivier continued her presentation with the design of the Silver Point pavilion which is <br />9 similar to that of Central Park, but on a smaller scale of 14' x 34'. It does not have a fireplace or <br />0 air conditioning, and has smaller restrooms and a smaller picnic pavilion. There is a mezzanine <br />1 level for the mechanical. As this is located in a flood plain, Olivier noted that a meeting with <br />2 held with Todd Hubmer regarding the plan to make accommodations particularly in the <br />3 restrooms. <br />5 Jindra requested that Ms. Olivier visit Silver Point Park to further determine the size and location <br />6 of the facility in relation to the fields and the parking lot and bring a revision back to the Parks <br />0 Commission, including reducing the size of the restrooms. <br />0 <br />9 Zurbey added that the size of the building seems too large for the space available in the park. <br />0 Mr. Kost stated that a better sense of the scale of the building will result from visiting the park. <br />Ms. Olivier continued by outlining two schedules for the Silver Point Park pavilion, based <br />3 primarily on the length of time needed for the construction documents phase and the bidding <br />4 process, with construction beginning in June. Depending on the timing of these factors, <br />5 construction would be completed in either August or September. <br />r <br />7 Ms. Olivier explained that this will be coordinated with Bob Kost in regard to Central Park, with <br />8 the Silver Point Park construction first (along with Tower), followed by Central Park. She added <br />that it would be desirable to include all in one bid package in order to take advantage of costs <br />0 and craftsmanship by awarding the project to one contractor. <br />1 <br />2 Jindra noted that the subcommittee will review the plans and the schedules in order to move the <br />3 process along in a timely manner. Mr. Hartman added that it is the intention of the Parks <br />4 Commission to start construction on Silver Point Park this spring. <br />5 <br />6 In conclusion, Ms. Olivier reviewed the plans for water and sewer connections which have been <br />7 planned for and the associated costs for Silver Point Park and Central Park. <br />8 <br />9 Jindra thanked Ms. Olivier for her presentation. <br />0 <br />1 Motion by Jenson, second by Hallada, to approve the design of the Pavilion and Warming House <br />2 as presented by Ms. Olivier. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />
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