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PK PACKET 03122001
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />February 12, 2001 <br />Page 4 <br />V. UPDATE FROM BOB KOST — B R W. <br />3 Mr. Kost began by explaining further that, based on input from the Fields Subcommittee and the <br />4 Athletic Director, a decision needs to be made regarding Field Four. Mr. Kost noted that the <br />5 outfield of Field Four is shared with soccer. For Junior Varsity Baseball to use Field Four so the <br />6 Athletic Director has more than one field for baseball, Field Four needs to accommodate 90' <br />7 basing rather than 60' basing. Mr. Hartman explained that the Junior Varsity and Varsity games <br />8 are scheduled for the same nights due to transportation. <br />El <br />Mr. Kost continued that the accommodation for 90' basing shrinks the size of the soccer field. <br />Kost added that the hockey rink needs to remain in its current location. The soccer field size <br />would be 250' x 165', which is a standard size for players in the age group of 4th grade and <br />younger. <br />Zurbey suggested the option of no permanent boards for the hockey rink and no blacktop in the <br />hockey area, allowing for a larger soccer field. Ganley expressed his agreement with this option. <br />Mr. Kost added that if more emphasis is placed on soccer, the warming house may need to be <br />smaller. <br />Jindra stated that a full size soccer field may be able to be obtained in another area (such as the <br />Apache Plaza area) when it becomes designated in the future which may be the time to go to the <br />3 permanent hockey boards. <br />Jenson recommended that asphalt not be put down at this point in time. Anderson stated that <br />partial permanent and partial temporary hockey boards would be a possibility. <br />Dunn pointed out that these issues need to be reviewed with Ted Severson. Mr. Kost agreed that <br />an evaluation needs to be made with Ted as to whether there should be four or five full size <br />fields. <br />2 Jenson noted that three fields are used on a rotation basis in the summer months. Ganley <br />3 concurred that Ted may be able to give further insight on this matter. <br />It was agreed that Zurbey and Jenson will meet with Ted Severson. Mr. Kost will provide a copy <br />of the plan to Zurbey for the meeting. <br />8 Mr. Kost went on to review the layout of Central Park, with more of a community area on the <br />9 north side of the building including flower gardens, flowering crab trees, an area for walking <br />0 which also includes benches, a play area, a bicycle parking area, and an asphalt trail with <br />1 concrete edge. Mr. Kost added that the wading pool depth goes from zero to two feet with a <br />2 square shape. <br />+ In response to an inquiry by Jindra as to fountains in the pool, Mr. Kost stated that there is the <br />5 ability to add a mushroom -style fountain. <br />
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