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PK PACKET 03122001
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PK PACKET 03122001
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />February 12, 2001 <br />Page 5 <br />Jindra asked about the selection of playground equipment. Mr. Kost reviewed the equipment <br />which is aimed toward 7 years old and younger. <br />0 <br />5 Gebhardt inquired as to the play area surface to which Mr. Kost responded that it is a fiber <br />6 surface. <br />Skrivseth asked about the slope from the parking lot to the pavilion. Mr. Kost noted that it is <br />walkable and reviewed the walkways and stairways on the layout, including those of ADA <br />accessibility. <br />Ganley complimented the very welcoming and integrated design. <br />4 Zurbey inquired about the cost of the construction. Mr. Kost stated that it would approximate <br />5 $500,000 depending on the finishes. Ganley added that it includes additional amenities and, Mr. <br />6 Hartman concurred that it provides more accommodations. <br />7 <br />Anderson pointed out that in serving picnic groups it may be necessary for vehicles such as <br />catering trucks to enter the area which is close to the children's play area/wading pool area. He <br />suggested that this issue needs to be addressed. <br />Jenson, along with Dunn and Wagner, questioned the need for a concession stand. Mr. Kost <br />3 commented that, with meeting and/or rental space, a "wet" area will be needed, but reducing the <br />4 size of the concession area will allow for cost savings. <br />5 <br />6 Mr. Hartman stated that a decision needs to be made regarding the concession stand. Jindra <br />7 noted that there is the possibility in the future of sports boosters using the concession stand. Mr. <br />8 Hartman pointed out that the cost of the concession stand which is approximately $35,000 seems <br />9 to reasonable in the overall plan. <br />0 <br />1 Motion by Jenson, second by Hallada, to approve the design of the design presented by Mr. Kost. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Kost next reviewed the cost estimates based on additions to the project including a more <br />decorative entry, additional trees and shrubs, additional stairs, and asphalt removal. He pointed <br />out that the electrical cost estimate is higher than anticipated. He added that this includes lights <br />for Fields 2, 3 and 4 ( soccer and baseball), and for hockey and ice skating. <br />In response to an inquiry from Hartman, Mr. Kost explained that the anticipated cost for <br />electrical was $300,000, and the estimate is at $400,000 (including about $87,500 for circuitry <br />and controls). Jenson pointed out that the overall cost of the project is still within projections. <br />VI. APPOINT CONSTRUCTION LIAISON FOR CENTRAL PARK REDEVELOPMENT. <br />
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