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PK PACKET 03132000
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PK PACKET 03132000
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />August 9, 1999 <br />Page 2 <br />1 Mr. Hubmer reported that the irrigation system within Trillium Park had been repaired and that <br />2 the park had been reseeded. <br />3 V. POCKET PARKS UPDATE. <br />4 Mr. Hubmer mentioned that the contractor has completed rough grading of the two lots the City <br />5 currently owns and anticipates planting to occur in September. In addition, the City will continue <br />6 to investigate the possibility of acquiring the other three properties and this issue will be <br />7 discussed at the August 24, 1999 City Council meeting. <br />8 Wolff asked if progress would be forthcoming on the seeding around the ponding area behind the <br />9 football stadium. Mr. Hubmer stated that growth should be seen by September. <br />10 Jindra introduced Bob Kost, BRW. Mr. Kost stated that the growth in that particular area will be <br />11 slow and could possibly take two growing seasons to realize full potential. <br />12 Jindra asked about the general maintenance and upkeep of the type of vegetation planted. Mr. <br />13 Kost stated there is little maintenance once the seeding is established. <br />14 Jindra suggested that a type of fencing, such as a snow fence, be used to alleviate any safety <br />issues before the park is completed. <br />16 Jindra reviewed that the park will be open to the public with trails, play equipment, basketball <br />17 and similar activities. <br />18 Marks asked if there was any problem with the park being open with respect to the contractor's <br />19 responsibilities. Mr. Hubmer felt it was reasonable to assume the park could be open once the <br />20 grading is finished. <br />21 Jindra confirmed with Hartman that responsibility for irrigating the landscaping was currently the <br />22 general contractor's responsibility, but would change to the Public Works Department. <br />23 Louiselle inquired about the decision of the warming house location. <br />24 <br />25 Jindra discussed with Hartman about possible shelters for the park. <br />26 Jindra thanked Mr. Hubmer for his attendance. She suggested the Commission continue the <br />27 discussion of Water Tower Park. <br />28 VI. DISCUSS WATER TOWER PARK. <br />29 A. Opening. <br />'o Jindra reported that the grand opening of the park occurred on Monday, August 2, 1999 and was <br />1 a great success. She stated there were between 700-800 people attending the festivities and about <br />32 1,600 cookies and 1,000 ice cream treats were served. Overall, Jindra felt that the community <br />
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