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PK PACKET 10081998
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PK PACKET 10081998
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />September 14, 1998 <br />Page 2 <br />1 Kost stated decisions regarding which facilities will remain or be replaced need to be made by <br />2 the Parks Commission. He added the swing set, which was installed last year, will be salvaged <br />3 and reinstalled, but the play structure may need to be enhanced to meet the necessary <br />4 requirements for the neighborhood. He added if the existing play structure is retained, it could be <br />5 enhanced with new pieces of equipment. <br />7 Louiselle stated previous plans had indicated a storm water holding area near the hockey rink. <br />8 Kost confirmed this had been the case, but the drainage scheme had changed. Hubmer added the <br />9 City's feasibility study for the street reconstruction project and home buyout program had forced <br />10 them to look at different options for water drainage. <br />11 <br />12 Jindra asked whether there will be access to the park from Highway 88. Kost confirmed that <br />13 walking access from Highway 88 was available in both configurations. <br />14 <br />15 Louiselle asked what age groups could be accommodated by the proposed ball fields. Jindra <br />16 questioned whether an adult field had been part of the previous plans. Kost stated an adult field <br />17 would not be physically possible in Silver Point Park due to limited space. <br />19 Jindra stated she had spoken with the school sports director at St. Charles Borromeo, who <br />20 indicated concern at the lack of a soccer field. <br />21 <br />22 Marilyn Leach, 2712 - 34th Avenue, questioned the location of the proposed holding pond, and <br />23 the amount of material to be excavated from the park. Hubmer stated the excavation depth will <br />24 be 6 feet on the west end of the park and 13 feet on the east end. <br />25 <br />26 Leach asked whether the existing fence will remain around the park, and expressed concern over <br />27 the current problem of loose dogs within the park. She added that residents allow their pets to <br />28 roam freely within the park because of its enclosing fences. Hubmer confirmed that the existing <br />29 fence would remain in place. Kost stated the proposed lower elevation of the park will create a <br />30 physical barrier. <br />31 <br />32 Leach asked whether the hockey rink boards will be replaced. Hartman stated the rink boards are <br />33 not salvageable and will be replaced. Leach asked where the hockey rink lights will be situated, <br />34 adding the current lights are often left on for the entire weekend. Hartman stated a timer for those <br />35 lights will be taken into consideration. <br />36 <br />37 Jindra stated the public hearing to be held October 13, 1998 is the appropriate forum for <br />38 discussion of such issues. She added that the purpose of the Parks Commission meeting was to <br />'9 establish which orientation for the park would be suitable. <br />
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