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PK PACKET 10081998
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PK PACKET 10081998
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />September 14, 1998 <br />Page 3 <br />1 Leach expressed concern over the possible abandonment of the Silver Point Park project. Jindra <br />2 assured her the Parks Commission will complete the task at hand. <br />3 <br />4 John Jedinak, 2833 Silver Lake Road, expressed his concern over the location of the westerly <br />5 ball field, which has been the cause of much frustration for him over the years. He stated the <br />6 ballfield is very close to the fence and will continue to cause problems to the residents along <br />7 Silver Lake Road. Kost stated the proposed ballfield will be 9 feet below its current level. <br />8 Jedinak also agreed the hockey rink lights are a nuisance when left on all weekend. <br />9 <br />10 Siggelkow questioned the distance from home plate to the outfield, given the proposed grading, <br />11 and whether any fencing would be installed around the outfield. Kost confirmed the distance of <br />12 300 feet from home plate to the parking lot, and fencing would eliminate the possibility of a <br />13 multi-purpose area. <br />14 <br />15 Louiselle asked whether the play area could be situated between the two ballfields. Kost <br />16 confirmed that the play area could be moved to that location. <br />17 <br />3 Kost stated the current park shelter could not be reinstalled after excavation and would need to be <br />19 replaced. He added prefabricated shelters were not cost effective. He stated a park shelter will <br />20 also be required for Central Park, and an option might be to design a similar shelter for each park <br />21 which would be more cost effective and aesthetically pleasing. <br />22 <br />23 Kosciolek asked whether restrooms would be included in the Silver Point Park shelter. Kost <br />24 stated sewering would need to be discussed. Jindra stated restrooms must be available in all City <br />25 parks. She added the Commission is concerned with function, aesthetics and timeliness. Kost <br />26 stated a unisex bathroom would be an economical alternative. <br />27 <br />28 Jindra questioned the timing of the project. Hubmer reviewed the proposed schedule for storm <br />29 water improvements at Silver Point Park and Central Park: <br />30 <br />31 September 8, 1998 - St. Anthony City Council authorized Advertisement for Bids for <br />32 Improvements at Silver Point and Central Park. <br />33 <br />34 September 14, 1998 - Alternatives for park improvements presented to Parks Commission. A <br />35 preliminary recommendation is sought with regard to a preferred layout of park amenities. <br />36 <br />37 September 21, 1998 - Final plans and specifications will be prepared and distributed to <br />38 Contractors for bids. <br />,9 <br />t0 October 7, 1998 - Bids will be received and opened for the storm water improvements at Central <br />41 and Silver Point Parks. <br />
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