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PK PACKET 10081998
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PK PACKET 10081998
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />September 14, 1998 <br />Page 5 <br />1 Jindra asked whether the warming house is salvageable. Hubmer stated the warming house <br />2 structure is not movable and therefore not salvageable. <br />4 Motion by Louiselle, second by Siggelkow to approve Plan B for improvements to Silver Point <br />5 Park with the addition of play area, shelter and half court basketball area between the ball fields. <br />6 Motion carried unanimously. <br />7 Siggelkow asked whether community awareness of the park improvements could be raised in <br />8 some way. Jindra stated a press release was being prepared and a statement would appear in next <br />9 week's bulletin regarding the public hearing on October 13. Siggelkow asked whether the <br />10 proposed plans could be published as well. Kost agreed to provide a sketch to be included in the <br />11 press release. <br />12 <br />13 V. DISCUSSION OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR CENTRAL PARK. <br />14 <br />15 Hubmer presented the proposed improvements for Central Park, including an excavating basin <br />on the north end. He added this basin will drop the elevation 5 feet for creation of a storm water <br />17 storage area. He stated it will be a dry area except in the case of rain when the basin will fill and <br />18 drain. Jindra asked how deep the basin would be. Hubmer stated the area could be 5 feet deep for <br />19 2-3 hours until it drains. <br />20 <br />21 Hubmer stated the area will be attached to the existing storm sewer system. Wolff asked whether <br />22 other communities typically fence these areas for safety reasons. Hubmer stated most <br />23 communities do not fence storm water areas. <br />24 <br />25 Kost stated the Parks Task Force had discussed utilizing that area as a possible nature reserve. <br />26 He added it is necessary for the water to drain relatively slowly so a weak patch does not <br />27 develop. <br />28 <br />29 Jindra mentioned a storm water area behind the City Hall which is odorous when filled and not <br />30 aesthetically pleasing when dry. Hartman stated the constructing engineer had been contacted as <br />31 the area is not draining at the appropriate rate. Kost stated the area could be addressed when <br />32 Central Park is under construction. <br />33 <br />34 Hubmer stated the use of the stock piled material for construction improvements would show the <br />35 State that the cost savings justifies expenditures of DNR funds in Silver Point Park. Wolff <br />36 questioned the actual height of the stock piled material. Hubmer confirmed the stock pile would <br />^7 be approximately 20 feet high. Wolff stated this is considerably larger than the original estimate <br />18 of 12 feet. <br />39 <br />
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