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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />September 14, 1998 <br />Page 6 <br />1 Wolff stated the possible inoperability of both parks had been discussed at a joint meeting last <br />2 week between the School Board and City Council. She added the possibility of using alternative <br />3 fields and alternative sports schedules was discussed, and the substantial cost savings made <br />4 possible by stock piling might make the inconvenience worthwhile. Hubmer stated the stock pile <br />5 would only put one field out of commission for next season, and Central Park will be unusable <br />6 during improvements in any case. <br />8 Kost reviewed the proposed plan for Central Park as presented to the City Council at Jindra's <br />9 request. He added the total cost for Central Park improvements will be $750,000-800,000. He <br />10 stated play areas will be enhanced due to residents' request for more multi-age recreational <br />11 spaces. <br />12 VI. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. <br />13 Jindra called for suggestions for agenda items, to include: Discussion of Plans for Silver Point <br />14 Park, Discussion of stock piling in Central Park. No other agenda items were suggested by the <br />15 Commission. <br />16 VII. ADJOURNMENT. <br />17 Motion by Koehntop, second by Siggelkow to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 P.M. <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 Respectfully submitted, <br />21 Mary Mullen <br />22 TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />