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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 19, 2021 <br />Page 8 <br />1 about the stormwater and the rate and water quality but nothing about the volume, which she <br />2 believed would also be a standard that had to be met and wondered if someone could give a <br />3 better indication of maybe pre/post construction rates and volumes. <br />4 <br />5 Mr. Wall explained regarding the parking, there is 51 parking surface level and the purpose <br />6 for it is staff on the north, east and northeast side and for visitor parking. If they needed to get <br />7 under that he would just caution that they do not want to have all of the parking down in the <br />8 garage because there could be twenty-five cars parking for staff and could cause an issue on <br />9 Stinson Boulevard. He thought the softest approach would be to leave it as is because they <br />10 did calibrate to the number of visitors they would assume, as well as staff with all of the <br />11 residents parking being underground. <br />12 <br />13 Mr. Ward explained regarding stormwater management, the project is designed to meet rate <br />14 control and water quality. As indicated within this meeting, the past contaminates that have <br />15 been on site and the potential for impacted ground water, the volume requirement is <br />16 something that will not be met, mainly because from MPCA guidance and MPH guidance. <br />17 They do not recommend trying to infiltrate water into impacted sites. For that reason, they are <br />18 dealing with it through rate and then filtration to meet the water quality requirements. <br />19 <br />20 Mr. Wilson indicated they could reduce the number of surface parking spots to forty and he <br />21 thought Ms. Weiler’s comments were terrific and he took notes on all of those and will <br />22 continue to work with Menk on the landscape plan to flush out some of those comments and <br />23 also looking at the mature trees and pollinator plants. He thought they could bring the <br />24 Council a slightly more refined amenity package. <br />25 <br />26 Chair Westrick noted just because the issue of noise was brought up with the fans, she was <br />27 unfamiliar with how loud those could be and was curious what the comments are on that. Mr. <br />28 Wall explained this was addressed at either one or both of the neighborhood meetings and <br />29 their intention is to put most of the loud equipment onto the roof of the first floor that extends <br />30 out to the east in the middle of the building. The building on the west will protect the sound <br />31 from any residents on the west side and most of the north and then there will be the contour of <br />32 the building as well as the parapet that will be put on the roof to block most of the sound to <br />33 the north. He thought from a distance perspective, it is the best position one could put the <br />34 equipment that could be louder and certainly the exhaust of where the kitchen will be is pretty <br />35 substantially far away from the neighbors to the north and to the west. <br />36 <br />37 Chair Westrick asked Mr. Grittman to explain how the Code with the density and the Comp. <br />38 Plan with the guided density interact. Mr. Grittman reviewed the comparisons and differences <br />39 between the two with the Commission. <br />40 <br />41 Commissioner Socha wondered what other Commissioner thoughts were on reducing the <br />42 parking to increase the impervious surface. <br />43 <br />44 Chair Westrick recommended putting the motion on the table and then the Commission could <br />45 discuss or amend the motion as recommended. <br />46