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PL PACKET 03162021
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PL PACKET 03162021
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 19, 2021 <br />Page 7 <br />1 Commissioner Morita asked Mr. Grittman regarding the call out on one of the slides about <br />2 building height and that Code is 35 feet and three stories. He wondered if that Code was in <br />3 reference to the existing Code and not PUD or is that PUD and the developer is asking for an <br />4 exception to the PUD Code. Mr. Grittman explained the Code he was referencing was <br />5 actually the R4 Zone Code. If the City were to do any straight zoning on this property as an <br />6 R4 project then the maximum height in that District is 35 feet or three stories. The PUD Zone <br />7 Code does not have a defined height requirement and is an area of flexibility that the <br />8 applicants are seeking under the PUD. He referenced the R4 District for comparison and does <br />9 not technically apply to this property since it is not zoned that way. <br />10 <br />11 Commissioner Morita indicated he heard one of the residents ask if this sets a precedent for <br />12 building height on the adjacent property. He thought every situation is addressed individually <br />13 and by allowing this PUD here, it does not grandfather in a building taller or something else in <br />14 the adjacent property. Mr. Grittman indicated that was correct, particularly with PUD Zoning, <br />15 each project stands on its own and the City looks to the guidance of the Comprehensive Plan <br />16 generally, but each project has to prove out its own benefits and its own advantages in <br />17 compliance with City Development Goals. There is not precedential aspect to this project that <br />18 would apply to any other project in the City. <br />19 <br />20 Chair Westrick asked what the height was of the Kenzie Terrace property. Mr. Grittman <br />21 indicated he did not know the height of hand. <br />22 <br />23 Chair Westrick indicated she did know from past proposals that the ground water issue is of <br />24 concern and wondered how with underground parking is there any concern about the high- <br />25 water tables and how did they plan to dewater or work around that. Mr. Wall indicated the <br />26 architect could probably better answer this, but the developer has been aware of this and in <br />27 designing and laying it out, how they would construct it where the water table will not be an <br />28 issue. <br />29 <br />30 Mr. Link Wilson stated they have looked into the water table at this location. One of the <br />31 strategies is to have a double drain tile. There would be a drain tile on the inside facing the <br />32 footing and one on the outside facing the footing. Part of the site will drain to an internal <br />33 sump which then, if water gets too high in a rain situation, can be pumped to the surface but <br />34 they will also have the ability to drain some of that tile on the south to the stormwater pond to <br />35 the south. This has been taken into consideration and also having a membrane below the slab, <br />36 which does two things, if there is moisture it can be moved to the outside parameter but also <br />37 from the Bremer Bank site they know that there was dry clay in there and most of that is <br />38 percolating to the east. He noted if they do find particulate matter that is under the garage, <br />39 having an underground garage is the best thing because there is air moving through the garage <br />40 24/7. He thought they had both the environmental issues and the moisture issues <br />41 contemplated with the underground garage. <br />42 <br />43 Chair Westrick indicated part of this proposal is asking for a variance over the current Code. <br />44 She asked in regard to the parking spots, it seemed like there are a lot of parking spaces for <br />45 what the description said and there might not be a lot of cars. She wondered if some of the <br />46 impervious area could be reduced by reducing parking. She also noted there was discussion
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