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March 9, 2021 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br /> <br />Definitions (Section 152.08). <br />The definitions have been reworked to establish a (slighty revised) definition for Accessory Buildings <br />generally, deleting most references to “structures” and then adding sub-categories of accessory <br />buildings due to differential treatment of each type in the following text. Those proposed categories are <br />Accessory Building – Garage; Accessory Building – Major; and Accessory Building – Minor. The terms <br />related to “garden sheds”, “gazebos”, etc. have been utilized only as examples to remove any <br />implication that they are a separate category of Accessory Building. <br />The Garage definition is taken largely from the existing code, modified with the door-size discussion. <br />The code treats garages and other accessory building differently in a few cases, thus the use of the <br />Accessory Building is relevant in this case. <br />A definition has also been added for “Accessory Use”, drawn from other resources, so as to distinguish <br />between use and building. Similarly, definitions have been added for “Principal Building” and “Principal <br />Use”, currently missing from existing text, again common language drawn from other sources. <br /> <br />Accessory Buildings (Section 152.176). <br />Several alterations were made from the prior version, including language, removal of duplicate <br />provisions, and reorganization of some of the existing and proposed text. <br />The organization is now structured more clearly as follows: <br />(A) This text section now refers to the Accessory Building allowances in each of the various districts. <br />1. Section 1 refers to requirements in the R-1 and R-1A Districts (the Single Family zoning <br />districts). Items (a) through (f) limit numbers of buildings (including buildings by type), and <br />other standards that apply to the single family areas. <br />2. Section 2 refers to requirements for the attached or multiple family districts (R-2, R-3, and <br />R-4). <br />3. Section 3 refers to standards for the Commercial and Industrial districts. <br />4. Section 4 was deleted from this subsection, as building materials requirements will now vary <br />between single family and other uses. <br /> <br />(B) through (F) are largely drawn from existing text, with minor adjustments. <br />(G) and (H) distinguish the treatment of building materials and trash enclosures between single <br />family and non-single family uses. <br />(L) is deleted from prior proposed text, as noted. <br />(I) is the table of dimensional and other standards that apply to Accessory Buildings and/or uses, <br />depending on Yard, Type, and Zoning District. The specific standards that apply to R-1A (shoreland) <br />uses are also listed here – most of these regulations are missing or unclear from current code. <br />2. Applicable Code Sections. <br />Title XV Land Usage, Chapter 152 Zoning Code, Section §152.008 provides definitions related to <br />Zoning. <br />Title XV Land Usage, Chapter 152 Zoning Code, Section §152.176 Dynamic Displays regulates the <br />construction and use of electronic dynamic display signs by Conditional Use Permit, and sets the <br />various performance standards applicable to such signs. <br />