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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 19, 2021 <br />Page 5 <br />1 Ms. Weiler stated the landscape plan lists two perennials, one hundred Persian blue plants and <br />2 56 shrub roses. She encouraged the developer to diversify the plant selections to prolong <br />3 bloom times and also to incorporate more perennials, including pollinator and native plants. <br />4 Shrub roses are favorites of Japanese Beatles and she did not think they would be a very <br />5 attractive plant given the propensity of infestation. She thought more consideration needs to <br />6 be made in really making the ground a beautiful place for the residents to enjoy and also for <br />7 all of St. Anthony. <br />8 <br />9 Mr. Jesse Pikturna, 2616 27th Avenue NE, St. Anthony, stated he missed the presentation but <br />10 did not know how the City could approve this. These density levels are higher than are <br />11 allowed. He noted the City recently denied a project in part because of these kind of extreme <br />12 density levels and nothing has changed. There is absolutely no reason why all of a sudden <br />13 something could be approved at these density levels. He indicated codes are not a minimum <br />14 to be challenged and pushed against, codes are supposed to be the upper limit. This kind of <br />15 density does not work in St. Anthony, it does not work with single family and the <br />16 Commission cannot approve it. This sets a dangerous precedent and the whole site will then <br />17 be developed with these kinds of density levels and just last year the City said this density <br />18 cannot be supported by St. Anthony. He thought this needs to be denied and that the City <br />19 does not have a choice. He did not think this works for St. Anthony. <br />20 <br />21 Ms. Jeanette Fleming, resident of Kenzington Condominiums, asked how the owner was <br />22 planning on running this building as a CCRC with entrance fees for the residents. Mr. Wall <br />23 explained there will not be an entrance fee model where someone pays a large fee to come in. <br />24 There is generally a community fee when entering, which is nominal, and there it is a base <br />25 rent plus services that the resident would need. <br />26 <br />27 Chairperson Westrick closed the public hearing at 8:10 p.m. <br />28 <br />29 Commissioner Erickson asked Mr. Wall with the change in the number of units to 135, how <br />30 would that change the allocation of independent living, assisted living and memory care. He <br />31 also asked if that changed the mix of the one bedrooms and the studio’s and one bedrooms <br />32 with dens at all. Mr. Wall stated they actually increased the number of one bedrooms in the <br />33 assisted living, reduced the number of studios in independent living to, he believed, zero or <br />34 near that and increased the number of one bedroom and den in independent living and <br />35 increased some of the unit sizes in assisted living. They had a smaller building when this was <br />36 initially discussed with the City at 133 units and 170 thousand square feet. They are now at <br />37 181 thousand square feet and have increased the size of some of the buildings in large part, <br />38 due to COVID-19 and dealing with infection control. He explained the units have gone larger <br />39 and went closer to what the market wants today for better units. He noted in today’s market <br />40 studio units do not sell in independent living, these do work in assisted living though. <br />41 <br />42 Commissioner Erickson asked if the Haven Road project in Bloomington similar amenity and <br />43 quality wise to this proposal. Mr. Wall indicated it was similar but believed some of the specs <br />44 on this project might be a little higher quality on the inside but generally speaking their goal <br />45 was to match it as close as possible. <br />46