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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 19, 2021 <br />Page 6 <br />1 Commissioner Erickson asked if this project is denser in terms of per acre or comparable to <br />2 the one in Bloomington. Mr. Wall explained this project is less dense. <br />3 <br />4 Commissioner Erickson indicated the residents of St. Anthony were concerned about the <br />5 landscaping and thought it should be more at the premium end of things with this being right <br />6 on the parkway and he wondered if this project was better in terms of landscaping than the <br />7 Bloomington project or similar. Mr. Wall explained this development will have more mature <br />8 trees along the Stinson Boulevard where the mature trees that are currently there could not be <br />9 kept. The intention is to preserve as many of the mature trees as possible and if not possible <br />10 than more mature trees will be planted along the Stinson Parkway and trying to carry similar <br />11 species for this parkway. The selections for this site are not the same selections that are at the <br />12 Bloomington project. <br />13 <br />14 Commissioner Socha stated her principal concern with this is the building height, which in the <br />15 memo from Mr. Grittman states 56 feet but from she understands is actually 46 feet, which <br />16 gives her less concern, but she was curious what type of effects as far as shading from it being <br />17 cast onto other properties nearby. Mr. Wall indicated a study has not been done on it, but they <br />18 have put their focus on understanding where that shade would fall and at the furthest it does <br />19 not reach beyond the ally to the north and to the access road to the east and to Stinson to the <br />20 west and there are not any shade casts to the south. <br />21 <br />22 Commissioner Socha indicated the first resident that spoke did mention a hill that keeps water <br />23 from running even more and she knew the area did have some water problems and wondered <br />24 if Mr. Wall was aware of the hill that resident was referencing and if that hill is being <br />25 removed. Mr. Wall indicated the resident mentioned that hill, storm water run off and a high <br />26 water table and another resident mentioned the landmark study by Ken Haberman and they are <br />27 aware of that study and have all of the information and the remediation, the vapor mitigation <br />28 system, the excavation of some of the surface soils that have some oil on it and all of that, <br />29 even though it was identified in that study, is understood, it is being planned for and that <br />30 remediation is a part of what the developer would be doing. The vapor mitigation system <br />31 would handle the situation the resident mentioned. In regard to the hill and stormwater, he <br />32 asked Mr. Ward from Wenk to speak to that. <br />33 <br />34 Mr. Ward explained he was aware of the hill being referenced at the northwest corner of the <br />35 site where Stinson meets the ally. A good portion of the current site that drains off toward <br />36 Stinson down that hill. He explained their improvements do actually remove a big chunk of <br />37 that hill from a height perspective but in doing so, they are taking that drainage that would, <br />38 under current existing conditions, drain toward Stinson. They are actually pulling that <br />39 drainage back into the site so when the development is done there will be less drainage that <br />40 runs toward Stinson and more that runs in. By lowering the hill, from an engineering <br />41 perspective, they are not going to add more water or allow water to run off, they are actually <br />42 lowering the whole top and letting that water to continue to flow into the site. This will go <br />43 into the storm ponds on site which will then discharge into the same direction that the <br />44 majority of the site does which is through the Urban Grove site down to Kenzie Terrace. <br />45