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restaurants and bars some business. Ms. Hunter stated she has a very large committee that 1 <br />works very hard. 2 <br /> 3 <br />B. Presentation of Night to Unite 4 <br /> 5 <br />Sergeant Mike Huddle stated Night to Unite is also a very community organized/driven 6 <br />event. He has been in St. Anthony for twenty-two years. It encourages residents to 7 <br />organize and start neighborhood groups. The hope is that neighborhoods will partner with 8 <br />the Police Department to help cut down on crime. He invited residents to interact with the 9 <br />Police Department on social media. This will be St. Anthony’s 13th Year having Night to 10 <br />Unite on August 3, 2021. Last year only 8 block parties were held due to the pandemic. 11 <br />This year 30 block parties are registered to be held. Not all block parties are registered. 12 <br />This year Cub supports by providing free pails of ice cream to all registered block parties. 13 <br />City Administration and Nicole Miller provides great support to Night to Unite. Night to 14 <br />Unite does have an impact on reducing crime. The Mayor, Council, City Department 15 <br />Heads, and City Departments all contribute their time. 16 <br /> 17 <br />Councilmember Randle asked how many parties were held two years ago and Sergeant 18 <br />Mike Huddle stated there were 40. In the future the number should increase. 19 <br /> 20 <br />Mayor Stille thanked Sergeant Huddle for his presentation. It’s a great opportunity for 21 <br />residents to see Police Officers and City Councilmembers. The Police Department 22 <br />members try to get to every registered party every year. 23 <br /> 24 <br />C. Proclamation for Night to Unite on August 3, 2021 25 <br /> 26 <br />Mayor Stille, Councilmember Randle and Councilmember Jenson read the proclamation 27 <br />in full. 28 <br /> 29 <br />III. CONSENT AGENDA. 30 <br /> 31 <br />A. Approve July 13, 2021, Council meeting minutes. 32 <br />B. Licenses and permits. 33 <br />C. Claims. 34 <br />D. Resolution 21-060; a Resolution affirming staff’s application to receive American Rescue 35 <br />Plan Act funding to Non-Entitlement units of local governments. 36 <br /> 37 <br />Motion by Councilmember Jenson, seconded by Councilmember Randle, to approve the Consent 38 <br />Agenda items. 39 <br /> 40 <br />Motion carried 3-0. 41 <br /> 42 <br />IV. PUBLIC HEARING - NONE. 43 <br /> 44 <br />V. REPORTS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF – NONE. 45 <br /> 46 <br />2