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city. Stated that adding facilities such as the GRML trails would be an asset and <br />helpful in his own experience. <br />B.Active Transportation <br />Mattie Anders, WSB Sustainability Program Manager, and Minette Saulog, SAV <br />Sustainability Coordinator, presenting. <br />Active Transportation and city background information: <br />Mattie provided background information on the purpose of the Active <br />Transportation planning grant through MnDOT’s program. The aim is to <br />determine goals for us to anchor our future planning efforts. <br />Justin talked about the existing network in the city. SAV is a fully built-out city, <br />and we have a built-out sidewalk system that prioritizes sidewalks on state aid- <br />funded streets, so not every single block and neighborhood has this feature. Gap <br />for sidewalk access is along 33rd and part of Stinson Blvd on SAV (east) side. <br />There are several factors that impact what we can do and what we are limited to <br />in terms of projects and improvements. <br />A pedestrian safety improvement project was done a couple years ago. This <br />identified opportunities and allowed the city to add countdown timers to crossings <br />for ADA compliance, but no other major changes resulted. <br />An example from the City of Richfield was presented as a successful <br />comprehensive Active Transportation planning grant recipient. Many of their <br />ideas are ideas we can also consider incorporating and see how it can be <br />applicable in SAV. <br />Some other cities that received the grant were mentioned, such as Chaska, but <br />they opted to use the planning grant to create a plan focused on pedestrians or <br />bicycles. The grant award can only take a large city so far in an AT plan, so they <br />opt to get the most bang for their buck by creating a narrower focus. Smaller <br />cities such as SAV have the ability to create a more comprehensive plan that <br />incorporates multi-modal transportation features because of our smaller <br />infrastructure and size. <br />Council and Commissioner insights on problem areas/pain points in the city that are <br />worth exploring to include in our grant application as focus areas: <br />For clarification, it was emphasized that the deliverable of the planning grant is <br />not to implement these specific ideas, but to be able to create our city’s AT plan <br />in collaboration with a consultant that will facilitate the process for us (MnDOT’s <br />grant funds the work with this consultant). <br />Safety – crossings <br />7