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CC WS PACKET 10082024
City Council
City Council Work Session
CC WS PACKET 10082024
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10/8/2024 1:55:53 PM
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10/8/2024 1:55:25 PM
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o Safety is utmost importance for improving walk and bikeability. Especially <br />for families with children <br />Safety – street lighting <br />o There is a lack of street lighting in some neighborhoods. Walking can feel <br />unsafe because there are roads (mostly side streets) with inconsistent <br />lighting <br />o Street lights need to be improved <br />School district/Safe Routes to School <br />o The St. Anthony school district is the smallest district by geographic size. <br />Theoretically all kids could be walking or biking to school so there are <br />opportunities there. Technically we don’t need to provide bus service for <br />the schools because the district is so small but we provide the services <br />anyway. <br />o The roads that people use to get to the schools have drivers going too fast. <br />o Explore parking on just one side of the road, such as in the Central Park <br />area? <br />o There is data we can utilize from the Safe Routes to Schools plans we <br />have made in the past. <br />o SRTS plan highlighted issues of crossing Silver Lake Road – still needs to <br />be resolved <br />Getting kids to school is important <br />Small school district, should be feasible for kids and parents to <br />safely walk to school <br />Opportunity for city to be a walking hub <br />o good qualitative information to share with you for the grant application (i.e., <br />interviews with kids who say they feel unsafe walking) <br />o Safe routes to school - an interesting point was made that SAV school has <br />the smallest geospatial footprint, so that almost all kids who live in SAV <br />and go to school there could realistically walk if it was safe for them to do <br />so. <br />Further concerns about biking, walking, crossing street. Observations that the <br />Minneapolis side of Stinson Blvd has better sidewalks and lighting. Lane lines, <br />markers, any other improvements to help make it easier to cross streets. <br />Accountability measures should be incorporated into Active Transportation plans. <br />Critical to collaborate with partners to enhance our application with external <br />parties who support this work. One example – including elements from our <br />conversation with MPRB for Grand Rounds. <br />o Can consider utilizing newer designs on county road segments, extending <br />the configuration on the city segment (ex. 37th repaving) <br />8
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