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26 February 6, 2013 <br />Page 2 <br />GENERAL INFORMATION <br />Applicant: BKV Group on Behalf of St. Anthony Leased housing Associates 11, LLC <br />Owner: Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Anthony Village and <br />Apache Redevelopment LLC <br />Location: 2500 38°i Avenue NE <br />Existing Land Use / High Density Residential/zoned: PUD <br />Zoning: <br />Surrounding Land North: High Density Residential; zoned PUD <br />Use / Zoning: East: High Density Residential; zoned PUD <br />South: High Density Residential; zoned PUD <br />West: Commercial; zoned PUD <br />Future Land Use: High Density Residential <br />Deadline for Agency Application Date: <br />01-04-13 <br />Action: 60 Days: <br />03-05-13 <br />Letter Sent: <br />N/A <br />120 Days: <br />05-04-13 <br />CONSIDERATIONS RELATING TO THE PROPOSED SITE PLAN APPROVAL <br />1. Background <br />In 2000, the City of St. Anthony Village began to proactively pursue a planning process for the <br />redevelopment of the "Northwest Quadrant" of the City, an area of approximately 250 acres <br />extending from Silver Lane on the north, Silver Lake Road on the east, the railroad tracks north of <br />37°1 Avenue on the south and Stinson Boulevard on the west. The city appointed a twenty-six member <br />project steering committee comprised of local residents to meet regularly with the city and its <br />planning consultants and provide input and direction to the process. <br />In July 2001, the City adopted the Northwest Quadrant Redevelopment Plan for the entire 250 acres <br />that incorporated a number of planning goals. The Plan included a Master Framework Plan to <br />illustrate the overall vision for redevelopment of the area and to provide acceptable site planning and <br />design principles and standards to guide the design of all features of the site and create a consistent <br />character for the site that would be compatible with surrounding development. <br />A development team created the Village at St. Anthony Preliminary Development Plan for the area <br />with the guidance of the Northwest Quadrant Master Framework Plan and complied with the guiding <br />principles. In September of 2003, the City approved the Preliminary and Final Development Plans <br />associated with the approved Village at St. Anthony Planned Unit Development (PUD). <br />Since that time, development within the Village at St. Anthony PUD area has occurred and <br />Redevelopment Agreements have been approved for subsequent development within the overall <br />master plan. 'Phese agreements have been amended from time to time and modifications to project <br />commencement deadlines have been updated accordingly. The proposed "Senior Landings" project <br />would continue the development process within the PUD as part of the "Redevelopment Project Area <br />Phase III" of the Northwest Quadrant Redevelopment Project. A major component of the overall <br />Redevelopment Plan for the Northwest Quadrant Area was to redevelop blighted areas, prevent the <br />emergence of blight, and foster an increase in commercial development providing jobs, create new <br />rental housing, particularly low and moderate income rental housing, and create new for sale housing <br />appropriate for various life stages of the City's residents and not currently available in the City. <br />Over the past two years, the City, the HRA, and the developer have been working on a redevelopment <br />plan for the property located at 2500 38°i Avenue NE. With the construction of a proposed 172 unit <br />