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February 6, 2013 <br />Page 3 <br />affordable senior development in the place of the now vacant land and building owned by the <br />Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Anthony Village and Apache <br />Redevelopment LLC, the City believes that the proposed development is in the best interest of the <br />residents of the City and will provide for new facilities and environmental benefits, including <br />increased opportunities for new types of housing, will increase available housing, including new life <br />cycle housing choices desirable for the community, will remove and prevent the emergence of blight, <br />will increase the tax base of the City, and will otherwise benefit the health, safety, morals and welfare <br />of the residents of the City, in accordance with the public purpose and provisions of the applicable <br />State and local laws and requirements under the Redevelopment Plan. The vacant building will be <br />demolished and remediated if necessary so the land can be developed as proposed. <br />The Senior Landings will provide affordable housing for tenants over the age of 55 who income - <br />qualify earning no more than 60% of the Area Median Income. Due to the use of tax exempt bonds as <br />a portion of the financing, rents will be restricted on 100% of the units, with 137 units at 60% AMI <br />rental limit and 35 units at the PMR rent limit. Tine project will consist of One Bedroom and Two <br />Bedroom units. <br />2. Overview <br />The property is located at 2500 38°i Avenue NE. The property is approximately 320' x 367' (a-/-) and <br />is surrounded by 39°i Avenue to the north, Apache Lane to the east, 38°' Avenue to the south, and a <br />private driveway access to the west. The lot is approximately 113,702 square feet (2.6 acres). <br />Density Site Layout and Building; Design <br />The overall Silver Lake Village Development is that of a mixed-use high density development. This <br />type of development lends itself to a lifestyle that is more compact in development, has accessibility <br />to amenities within the development including parks, retail businesses, restaurants, medical services, <br />and other shops and stores. Consistent with the City's overall goals of creating a walkable and <br />sustainable City as a whole, the Silver Lake Village Development strives to meet these same qualities <br />by creating compact development and alternative transportation and pedestrian options throughout. <br />Following the approved PUD Development Plans and the Redevelopment Agreement as amended <br />from time to time for the property, the building will be constructed in a "u -shape" design with the <br />front main entrance located in the southwestern portion of the property at the intersection of 38°i <br />Avenue NE and a private driveway access to the west. The proposed building will be four stories in <br />height with underground parking, similar to existing buildings within the locality. A 5' sidewalk will <br />encompass the entire site and landscaping will complete the streetscaping on all four sides of the <br />proposed building which will complement the existing streetscaping that is currently within the <br />development. Ornamental lighting is required and will be installed as part of this project along the <br />south side of 39°i Avenue NE to match existing lighting further to the east. <br />Courtyard space is proposed within the interior limits of the u -shape design. Sidewalk connections <br />and lush landscaping will be provided within this area, as well as a garden pergola structure, fire pit <br />patio and seating walls, bench seating, and other amenities as detailed below. <br />Each unit will have a balcony. The building will contain many amenities including a fitness facility, <br />movie theater, library, in -unit washer / dryer, covered seating areas, fire pit, community grilling area, <br />club room, card room, a party kitchen, gardening area, wood shop, craft room, and salon. In addition, <br />the residents of the proposed development will have access to the amenities at the adjacent <br />development, Landings at Silver Lake Village, which is also owned and managed by Dominium. <br />Residents will also be within walking distance of the restaurants and shops within the overall Silver <br />Lake Village development. <br />Building Materials <br />The building will be constructed using quality and attractive materials that will be aesthetically <br />pleasing and compatible with surrounding buildings. The facades of the building will be finished with <br />brick and cement board lap siding. The roof will be finished with asphalt shingles. The materials will <br />27 <br />