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28 February 6, 2013 <br />Page 4 <br />be alternated throughout the exterior of the building, which will break up the large expanses of wall. <br />A canopy will be constructed over the front main entrance and will be constructed of brick to match <br />the building facades and will have a prefinished standing seam metal roof. These proposed materials <br />will match the existing buildings immediately adjacent and meet the design standards as set forth in <br />the PUD Development Plans and Redevelopment Agreements as may be amended from time to time. <br />Parking and Traffic Circulation <br />Parking: <br />The City's Ordinance sets forth the minimum requirements for parking spaces by designated use. <br />There are specific parking requirements for restaurants, religious institutions, single-family residential <br />dwellings, and so on. There are a number of uses for which the City could look at when determining <br />parking requirements associated with the proposed senior apartment facility, as there is not one <br />specific use category listed. The two most similar uses listed in the Ordinance are "two-family <br />dwellings, townhouses, apartments, and condominiums" and "retirement homes". The requirements <br />are broken down as follows: <br />Two-family dwellings, townhouses, apartments, and condominiums — at least 2 parking spaces <br />per unit, at least 1 of which is enclosed <br />172 units x 2 = 344 spaces; 172 enclosed <br />Retirement homes — at least 1 parking space for every 3 living units <br />172 units / 3 = 57 spaces <br />The Applicant is proposing 129 underground parking spaces and 59 surface parking spaces for a total <br />of 188 parking spaces (1.09 spaces /unit). With the target population and use of the property in mind, <br />and the fact that 109 wits will be 1 -bedroom units, it is important for the City to keep in mind that <br />there is strong evidence that demonstrates the proposed use will have a peak parking demand that is <br />less than the required parking spaces for a typical "two-family dwelling, townhouse, apartment or <br />condominium" use. <br />Alternatively, staff would argue that the use does not quite line up with that of a "retirement home" <br />given the fact that the proposal is for independent seniors and not that of a typical "retirement home" <br />where there are fewer residents with automobiles. With that said, finding a balance between the two <br />would indicate that the Applicant has proposed a reasonable amount of parking that meets the criteria <br />as originally set forth in the original PUD development plans and current zoning standards. <br />Additionally the Applicant has indicated that site can sufficiently accommodate the parking that is <br />anticipated at this location based on previous developments of a similar nature. The developer <br />prepared a study of thirteen (13) similar developments they have completed. The overall parking ratio <br />for all existing developments was .82 spaces/unit. The parking ratios of the existing facilities range <br />from .32 spaces/unit on the low end to 1.72 spaces/unit on the high end of the study. The proposed <br />parking ratio for the Senior Landings is about mid -point of the study of similar development <br />comparisons (1.09). The developer has also indicated that they anticipate 119 cars for a total 179 <br />residents based on their 40+ years of experience with more than 20,000 owned and/or managed units <br />at 205 sites in 20 states. Likewise a cursory review of numerous communities parking codes within <br />the Metropolitan Area would indicate that the Applicant is in line with traditional requirements for a <br />senior apartment development (range from .5 spaces/unit to 2 spaces/unit). <br />The development is located in close proximity to many services, including options for transit and <br />pedestrian movements as envisioned within the overall development when it was originally planned. <br />Given the use of the property, the Applicant's history with other similar facilities, comparison to other <br />communities throughout the metro area, and the fact that this property will remain this same land use <br />for an extended period of time, staff is comfortable with the proposed parking for this development. <br />