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CC PACKET 02122013
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CC PACKET 02122013
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7/30/2015 9:08:51 AM
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4/30/2014 4:40:38 PM
City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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City Code Chapter Amendment
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February 6, 2013 <br />Page 5 <br />Speed: <br />Following the meeting of the Planning Commission City Staff engaged the Police Department to <br />conduct a speed study of traffic along 39°i Avenue NE based on comments heard at the meeting <br />relating to traffic speeds. The study was conducted over a 4 -day period. The posted speed along 39°i <br />Avenue is 30 mph. 'The average speed observed was 21.98 mph, indicating that although there were a <br />few documented "speeders" over the 4 -day period, 96.95% of the 13,354 documented cars were <br />within the speed threshold. In fact of the remaining 3.05%, 2.63% fell between 32-35 mph. Therefore, <br />based on this analysis it does not appear that there is an issue with speed along this corridor, but <br />anyone concerned with speeds along any roadway within the City are encouraged to contact City Hall <br />at any time. <br />Landscaping <br />A landscaping plan was provided as part of this application. The Applicant is proposing to plant a <br />total of 40 trees, 298 shrubs and several hundred perennials, grasses, vines and rain garden mixture <br />species. Overall the proposed landscaping plan is consistent with the approved PUD Master Plan and <br />will aesthetically match other existing development within the locality. The Applicant has been asked <br />to work with the City Planner on an enhanced landscaping plan between the proposed private drive to <br />the west of the building and the gas station property further to the west. Bicycle parking will also be <br />added as part of that update as stated by the Applicant during the Planning Commission meeting. <br />LiLighting <br />Site lighting will include wall mounted site lights and decorative pole mounted site lighting along the <br />south side of 39°i Avenue NE as required. All lighting sources, including security lighting for the <br />entire site shall be shielded from the direct view of the surrounding properties. Staff will ensure <br />compliance of this provision of the Ordinance as part of the building permit review. <br />Engineering Considerations <br />While the majority of the comments listed below are items that need to be addressed prior to issuance <br />of a building permit if the site plan request is approved, staff wanted to bring them to the Council and <br />Applicant's attention to provide enough time to accommodate the Engineer's requests. <br />Sheet Cl -2 - Site Demolition Plan <br />1. Show the location of the sanitary sewer service currently servicing the existing building. All <br />existing sanitary sewer services shall be removed and abandoned at the sewer main. Sewer <br />services shall be capped at the wye or manhole with the appropriately sized (snug -fitting) cap <br />glued securely in place. <br />2. Show the location of the water service currently servicing the existing building. All existing <br />water services shall be removed and abandoned at the water main. Small diameter water <br />service lines (copper) shall be detached from the corporation stop at the main and the <br />corporation stop shall be turn off and capped by installing a Pord or equ ivalent 'rube Nut, <br />Copper Gasket and Brass Corp Stop Plug. Large diameter water service lines (iron) shall be <br />detached from the fitting and replaced with an appropriately sized iron plug bolted securely in <br />place and thrust blocking installed. <br />3. The existing power pole located at the center of the property along the south side of 39°i Ave <br />should be removed to facilitate the construction of the proposed sidewalk. <br />4. Habitat impacts as a result of the proposed development are limited to the removal of trees <br />allowing for site grading to be completed. "The project proposes adding new trees as part of <br />the development plan. <br />29 <br />
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