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determining the best configuration to control the sound and lights away from <br />adjacent properties. <br />Bathroom facilities/waste management <br />The applicant will be renting additional porta-potties that will be located between <br />the building and tent area. There will also be access to the bathrooms inside the <br />building. Garbage receptacles shall be regularly emptied and the event site kept <br />clear of debris. The Blue Heron's current refuse hauler, Ace, will be contacted <br />for an extra Saturday morning pickup. <br />Food and Liquor <br />No food will be prepared in the tent area but will be available inside the building. <br />There will be a cover charge to get in, and patrons must show proper I.D. and will <br />be given wrist bands. The entrance/exit will be monitored by hired security to <br />ensure no alcohol leaves the area. The applicant will be contacting local cab <br />companies, providing sober ride contact information to patrons, and encouraging <br />designated drivers. <br />3. REQUIREMENTS: <br />The applicant has provided the City the completed permit and permit fee. hi accordance <br />with this permit, the applicant shall conduct the event as described herein and meet the <br />following conditions: <br />PRIOR TO THE EVENT <br />1. The applicant will provide the City a signed Hold Harmless Agreement. <br />2. The applicant will receive permission from Ideal Credit Union and Health <br />Partners for parking on their sites. <br />3. The applicant will post signs prohibiting parking in front of Festival Foods <br />and adjacent businesses during business hours. <br />4. The applicant will notify adjacent business owners of the event. <br />5. The stage will be placed according to the attached site plan to minimize noise <br />to neighboring properties. <br />DURING THE EVENT <br />6. The applicant shall conduct the event in accordance with the approved plans <br />submitted with the application. <br />7. The applicant shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, <br />rules, regulations, and ordinances. <br />