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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for March 3, 2014 <br />Page 5 of 9 <br />Approve Xcel Energy Overhead Power Line Replacement North of 130th Street North <br />Xcel Energy Inc. requested to rebuild and replace a transmission overhead power line (115kV) in <br />Hugo due to federal ground clearance requirements. The entire project extends approximately 1/2 <br />mile from the Minnesota Pipeline Company substation west of TH 61 to the east to Goodview <br />Avenue, just north of 130th Street. The project will include the replacement of 12 pole structures. <br />The existing 55 foot tall single wood pole structures are proposed to be replaced with 65-70 foot <br />tall single wood pole structures. The projects meets the requirements to allow the lines to be <br />replaced above ground because the lines are high voltage at I I5kV for the transmission lines. <br />Staff is comfortable with the installation of the overhead lines as Xcel Energy Inc. proposed. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the request to rebuild and replace the overhead <br />transmission and distribution lines. <br />Approve Resolution Approving Fox Meadows Preliminary Plat and IUP for Off-site <br />Directional Sign <br />Meridian Land Company applied for preliminary plat approval for 57 lots on 21.97 acres to be <br />known as "Fox Meadows". The applicant is also requesting approval of an Interim Use Permit <br />for an off-site directional sign for the residential development. The proposed development is <br />located north of 125th Street, east of Highway 61, and south of Beaver Ponds development. At <br />its February 13, 2014 meeting, the Planning Commission considered and held a public hearing <br />on the applications. There were two residents that spoke at the public hearing. The Planning <br />Commission unanimously recommended approval subject to the conditions in the resolutions. <br />Council Member Haas removed this from the Consent Agenda to inquire on the soil <br />requirements for infiltration and the reuse of storm water. <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear replied that the final plat will be accompanied by a Development <br />Agreement with a requirement that appropriate topsoil be in place. City Engineer Jay Kennedy <br />explained that the Oneka Ridge Golf Course reuse project will be in operation this year, and staff <br />was working with RCWD to work out the details for infiltration credits. Those requirements will <br />be outlined in the Development Agreement. <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2014-7 APPROVING <br />PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR MERIDIAN LAND COMPANY FOR "FOX MEADOWS" ON <br />PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF HIGHWAY 61 AND NORTH OF 125TH STREET and <br />RESOLUTION 2014 — 8 APPROVING AN INTERIM USE PERMIT FOR A TEMPORARY <br />OFF-SITE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DIECTIONAL SIGN TO BE LOCATED ON <br />PROPERTY AT 12493 FOREST BOULEVARD NORTH. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approve Hiring of Connor Schaefer as New Community Development Intern <br />At its December 16, 2013 meeting, Council authorized the advertisement for a Community <br />Development Intern to replace Eric Maass. Staff received 17 applications, conducted interviews <br />