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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 5, 2014 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />household hazardous waste, Gene's Disposal collected the trash/garbage, and First State Tire <br />Recycling collected tires. Customers increased by 63% over the 2013 spring cleanup event with <br />519 customers dropping off household hazardous waste and electronics (65,000 pounds), and <br />198 customers with trash. This caused long lines and wait times. Scott suggested changes be <br />made in the site layout to increase traffic flow. He also asked Council to approve the inclusion of <br />the solid waste/garbage collection for Hugo residents to Washington County's Fall Household <br />Hazardous Waste Event. <br />Bronk made motion, Haas seconded, to approve including the Hugo Fall Cleanup event to the <br />County's Household Hazardous Event on October 10, 2014 at Hugo Public Works. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on the Bald Eagle Lake Outlet and Schedule Joint Meetinll with the RCWD <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear provided Council an update on the condition and financing of <br />repairs to the Bald Eagle Lake Outlet. The Hugo Public Works Department has been inspecting <br />the bridge daily. There is an increase of flow due to recent rains, and the road will be closed for <br />rip -rap to be placed there this week to shore up the dam. The cost will be approximately <br />$20,000, and staff had sent a letter to surrounding cities asking for support. White Bear <br />Township and Centerville each committed to contribute $2,500, and Lino Lakes will be <br />considering a $2,500 contribution at their workshop this same evening. Letters were also sent to <br />area legislators and the DNR asking them to elevate the priority of the dam on their lists of dams <br />that need funding through the bonding bill, which will be approved by the time the legislation <br />session ends on May 19th. If the City is successful in receiving funds, there will still be a funding <br />gap. Staff is arranging a meeting to discuss this with County Commissioners, and the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District is requesting a joint meeting of their Board of Managers and the Hugo City <br />Council. <br />The Council directed staff to schedule a meeting with the RCWD for Noon on May 28, 2014 at <br />the RCWD office or the evening of May 29 at City Hall, and a barbeque can be held. Staff will <br />work with the RCWD and recommend a date at the next meeting. <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to direct staff to schedule a meeting with County <br />Commissioners to include Weidt and Petryk with Haas being the alternate should one of them be <br />unable to attend. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Trail Development Policy <br />At the goal setting session of February 18, 2014, the City Council gave their support for the <br />Parks Commission to create a Trail Development Policy to help evaluate missing trail <br />connections. The Parks Commission discussed a policy at their meeting of March 26, 2014 and <br />identified possible criteria that would help determine priority of possible trail projects. At their <br />meeting of April 23, 2014, the Parks Commission recommended approval of the Trail <br />Development Policy. Parks Planner Shayla Syverson presented the policy to the Council. <br />