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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for June 16, 2014 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />Scrap continues to be removed, and grading will then be done. <br />Haas talked about the use of the team track. It was meant to be temporary while their site was <br />being cleaned. If we are addressing it as a permanent use, the City needs to make sure residents <br />and businesses are good neighbors. There was language put in the agreement on what could and <br />couldn't occur at the track. <br />Weidt said he was confident they could come to agreement in the subcommittee, and he thanked <br />all who participated in the meeting. <br />Snyder added that they should also explore opportunities for additional restrictions and <br />enhancement for the area. It was agreed that it would be a good opportunity to work together to <br />establish safeguards for the site for present and future uses. <br />Weidt made motion, Bronk seconded, to establish a working subcommittee to include Desiree <br />Rotter, Pat Dunn, Christine Taylor and Council Member Petryk and Mayor Weidt. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on Water Reuse Proiects <br />At the June 2, 2014 meeting, staff provided Council an update on the funding request for three <br />potential stormwater re -use projects in the City of Hugo. Though the request received support <br />from area legislators, the final approval of the bonding bill did not include these projects. Staff <br />was then directed to provide a plan to Council on how to implement the water reuse projects and <br />present funding options for those projects. <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy explained that the Oneka Ridge Golf Course project was online and <br />had been expanded to partner with the Fox Meadows development to provide infiltration. Jay <br />provided details on the three water reuse projects that had been presented to the legislature <br />(Beaver Ponds and Waters Edge developments, and CSAH 8), and estimated costs of those <br />projects and potential benefits. The process would include identifying partners on a project and <br />securing financing. He estimated the total capital improvement cost to be 1.3 — 1.5 million, there <br />would be additional operation and maintenance costs. Also needed to be factored in is the loss of <br />water revenue. <br />The Council discussed developing a model to apply to other projects, and how the City should <br />work on their own projects first; Beaver Ponds Park and CSAH 8. It was important to keep <br />Waters Edge involved in the process, and be leaders on how to conserve water in the community. <br />Also discussed was importance of encouraging water reuse projects with new developments <br />since retrofit projects are more difficult. <br />Weidt thanked Jay and Bryan for all their work and the Legislators for all their support. <br />Haas made motion, Weidt seconded, to move forward with projects on City owned property <br />(Beaver Ponds and CSAH 8), and keep planning for the Waters Edge project. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />