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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 14, 2014 <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />FIRST ADDITION ON PROPERTY LOCATED WEST OF FINALE AVENUE NORTH OF <br />FRENCHMAN ROAD (CSAH 8). <br />Approve Resolution Authorizing Issuance and Sale of Charter School Lease Revenue <br />Bonds <br />At its June 16, 2014 meeting, the Council held a public hearing to consider issuing Charter <br />School Lease Bonds, in an amount of no more than $20 million, on behalf of a Minnesota <br />nonprofit liability company, CS Property Noble. Council also passed the resolution giving <br />preliminary approval to the issuance and sale of these bonds. Briggs and Morgan has reviewed <br />this request for conduit financing and finds it to be a proper use of the City's bonding authority. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION NO. 2014-26 AUTHORIZING <br />ISSUANCE AND SALE OF CHARTER SCHOOL LEASE REVENUE BONDS. <br />Approve Advertisement for Vacancy on Economic Development Authority <br />Long time EDA member Jan Arcand passed away on June 25, 2014. Jan was a member of the <br />Commission up until her death. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved advertisement for <br />the vacancy on the Economic Development Authority. <br />Approve Resolution Appointing Election Judges for the Primary and General Election in <br />2014 <br />A number of residents will serve as election judges for the City of Hugo's Primary and General <br />Elections in 2014. City Clerk Michele Lindau has prepared a resolution listing the election <br />judges who will be staffing the five precincts. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved. <br />RESOLUTION 2014-27 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES FOR <br />PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTIONS IN THE YEAR 2014. <br />Approve the Hiring or Rick Paul, Jr. as a Probationary Firefighter <br />The Hugo Fire Department Hiring Committee is recommending Rick Paul, Jr. be hired as a <br />probationary firefighter. Rick has passed all the necessary requirement to be hired. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved Rick Paul, Jr. as a probationary firefighter effective August 1, <br />2014. <br />Approve Cessation of Employment for Firefighter Tony Bronk <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the cessation of employment for Firefighter Tony <br />Bronk. <br />Approve Appointment of Ranell Tennyson as a Park, Recreation, and Open Space <br />Commissioner <br />On July 8, 2014, the Council interviewed two candidates for the vacancy on the Park, <br />Recreation, and Open Space Commission created by the resignation of Commissioner Jim <br />Taylor. After discussion, Council concluded that Ranell Tennyson was the best fit for the <br />position at this time. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the appointment of Ranell <br />