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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 14, 2014 <br />Page 7 of 8 <br />Tennyson on the Park, Recreation, and Open Space Commission. <br />Award of Bid for Rosemary Way Street and Utility Project <br />Bids were received on June 19, 2014 for the Rosemary Way Street and Utility Project. There <br />were two bids received with the low bidder being Arnt Construction Company in the amount of <br />$920,856.86. This item was removed from the agenda by staff to allow time to address financial <br />issues related to it. The bid will be awarded at the August 4, 2014 meeting. <br />Update on Bald Eagle Lake Outlet <br />On Tuesday, July 8, 2014, the Council met with the DNR Commissioner, Rice Creek Watershed <br />District, area commissioners, and city representatives to discuss the condition, ownership, and <br />maintenance of the Bald Eagle Lake Outlet. City Engineer Jay Kennedy provided an update to <br />Council on this meeting. Primary topics were funding of replacement of the dam and the <br />ownership of the dam. RCWD expressed willingness to contribute to replacement but stated <br />they did not want to own it. DNR supports funding but there were no funds appropriated to it in <br />this legislation session. Counties representatives believe the RCWD is in the best position to <br />lead the project. There was also a question on whether the dam has been abandoned. The DNR <br />could own it through statutory authority, and this will be investigated by the DNR and RCWD. <br />The legislature could direct the DNR to take ownership. The city does have an interest in the <br />roadway crossing of the dam, and at some point it will need to be reconstructed. No formal <br />action was taken. <br />Update on National Recycling, Inc. <br />At its June 16, 2014 meeting, the Council established a working subcommittee to address issues <br />related to noise from the rail spur. This subcommittee includes Desiree Rotter, Pat Dunn, <br />Christine Taylor, Council Member Petryk, Mayor Weidt and representatives from NRI. The <br />subcommittee held its first meeting on June, 24, 2014. City Administrator Bryan Bear explained <br />there was good discussion at the meeting on the agreement, easement document, and covenants <br />that are in place. There was discussion with NRI on their level of compliance. NRI <br />representatives indicated that they could comply but that would not lead to much improvement. <br />There was also discussion as to whether something should be done between the rail spur and the <br />neighborhood to mitigate the noise. A follow-up meeting is scheduled for Wednesday at 6 p.m. <br />at the rail spur. <br />John Rotter, 13635 Fiona Avenue North, informed Council there was a meeting of the <br />neighborhood residents and they comprised a letter to City Attorney Dave Snyder requesting him <br />to examine the Bald Eagle Industrial Park Development Covenants and the Team Track <br />Agreement for clarification and a legal opinion. <br />Weidt made motion, Petryk seconded, to direct staff to have a response to the letter at the next <br />meeting of the Council. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />