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2014.09.02 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2014 CC Minutes
2014.09.02 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for September 2, 2014 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />Petryk stated that the change would put an additional burden on the Atkinsons. <br />Petryk made motion Klein seconded, to put the haul routes back to what they were (allowing <br />them to travel north on Irish Avenue and 152"d Street). <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on 165th and Ingersoll Avenue Speed Study <br />At its March 3, 2014 meeting, Council approved a resolution authorizing a speed study on 165th <br />Street and Ingersoll Avenue, between TH61 and CSAH4, to determine the proper speed limits <br />and speed limit transition locations within this area. <br />This study has been completed, and City Engineer Jay Kennedy reported to Council on the <br />results. He stated that the MnDOT commissioner sets speed limits in most cases. Their <br />recommendation was to reduce the speed along 165th Street North from 55 mph to 50 mph, and <br />from 45 mph to 35 mph at the curve going onto Ingersoll Avenue. <br />Hass made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the speed limits as recommended by MnDOT as <br />a result of their speed study. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on Bald Eagle Lake Outlet <br />At the August 18, 2014 meeting, the City Council discussed the Bald Eagle Lake outlet project. <br />Following the discussion, the City Council directed staff to provide information regarding a <br />potential bridge alternative, as well as the possibility of redesigning the outlet to allow for reuse <br />of the water. <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy reviewed the topics that were discuss at the last meeting and <br />provided information on the cost of building a bridge and the cost of capturing the water for <br />reuse. <br />Weidt stated that both options sounded very costly. He talked about the conversations he had <br />with Manager Ogata of the RCWD about dividing the remaining cost of the structure between <br />the RCWD, DNR, and City and deferring ownership of the structure. He suggested staff should <br />come back to council with an outline of the details of this proposal for consideration and <br />approval. <br />Weidt made motion, Petryk seconded, to direct staff to continue working with the DNR and <br />RCWD to identify funding sources and amounts, and bring it back to the Council for <br />consideration. <br />Haas talked about engaging all stake holders, including the St. Paul Regional Water Authority <br />who have an appropriations permit for water from Bald Eagle Lake. They should help pay for the <br />
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