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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for September 15, 2014 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />found it did not warrant a stop sign at the time based on the analysis. Since then, additional <br />homes have been built in the Diamond Point East development and it was felt an additional study <br />need to be conducted. <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy presented the results of that most recent study. WSB Engineering <br />collected speed and count data and performed an all -way stop warrant analysis. He explained <br />the biggest concern from the residents was the speed of traffic on 145th Street from the Diamond <br />Point East development. A request had been made to consider a three-way stop at the <br />intersection. Kennedy explained that traffic volumes, history of correctible crashes, pedestrian <br />conflicts, and poor sight distance were reviewed, and the intersection did not meet the warrants. <br />Jay explained that this was a high priority neighborhood for capital improvement. Roadway <br />widths and configurations can be evaluated at that time and changes could be made with a street <br />project. Short term recommendations included increased enforcement and installation of driver <br />feedback signage. <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to install driver feedback sign as a short term step and to <br />increase enforcement. Staff was also directed to look at options for long term solutions with the <br />upcoming capital improvements. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Yellow Ribbon Network Report <br />Council Member Chuck Haas and Council Member Phil Klein reported to Council on the Yellow <br />Ribbon Network activities held recently. The 7th Annual Welcome Home Pheasant Hunt will be <br />held on Saturday, November 1, 2014, and there are already 100 troops signed up. Lake Area <br />Bank is the Hamburger Night sponsor for September. October's sponsor is the Hugo Business <br />Association. At the December Hamburger Night, certificates of appreciation will be presented. <br />The YRN is considering a five year celebration. <br />Citywide Bus Tour on Saturday, September 20, 2014 <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear reminded Council of the 9th Annual Citywide Bus Tour for <br />Council, Commissions, and residents has been scheduled for Saturday, September 20, 2014. <br />Participants are to meet at Lions Park for a 10 a.m. departure and will return to the shelter at <br />approximately noon for a BBQ lunch. <br />StoryWalk on Saturday, September 27, 2014 <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear informed Council that the Washington County Library will host <br />Storytime and a self -guided StoryWalk on September 27, 2014 at Heritage Ponds Park in Hugo <br />beginning at 10:30 a.m. Families will be able to walk the trail while reading a picture book <br />displayed on posts along the way. Warm beverages will be available for families as they finish <br />the story. <br />