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2014.10.20 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2014 CC Minutes
2014.10.20 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for October 20, 2014 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />Approve Joint Powers Agreement with Washington County for Code Red <br />On November 21, 2011, the Council approved the Joint Powers Agreement for the mass <br />emergency communication system, CodeRED. CodeRED is a system where citizens are notified <br />via telephone and text of natural disasters or City or County identified emergencies. The <br />CodeRED system has been used several times in Hugo and found to be effective. The initial <br />agreement between the Washington County Sheriff's Office and the City of Hugo will expire on <br />December 31, 2014. The cost of the system will remain at $33,750 until the year 2019, and <br />Washington County is requesting the City continue to partner with them at the same <br />proportionate cost of $1,047.89 as last year. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Joint <br />Powers Agreement with Washington County Sheriff's Office for the CodeRED notification <br />system. <br />Approve Tobacco License for Steve and Linda Krueger dba Ebacco, LLC <br />Steve and Linda Krueger have applied for a Tobacco License to open an E -cigarette shop at <br />14849 Forest Boulevard, Suite #5. The applicants own similar stores in Minnetonka and <br />Alexandria, and would like to open a business at the Hugo location on November 1, 2014. Staff <br />has received the appropriate licensing information and fee and is conducting a background check <br />on the business owners. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Tobacco License for <br />Steve and Linda Krueger dba Ebacco, LLC., subject to satisfactory completion of the <br />background investigation. <br />Approve Minor Subdivision for Patrick Rooney at 12548 Keller Avenue North <br />Patrick Rooney has applied for a minor subdivision for property located at 12548 Keller Avenue <br />North. The proposal is to subdivide a 20 acre lot into two 10 acres lots. At its October 9, 2014 <br />meeting, the Planning Commission considered the request and held a public hearing. Staff <br />concluded that the proposal meets all the standards necessary for the City to approve a minor <br />subdivision. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2014-34 APPROVING <br />A MINOR SUBDIVISION FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 12548 KELLER AVENUE <br />Discussion on Dam Safety Grant Agreement <br />The City has been working with the Department of Natural Resources, the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District, and others in an effort to secure funding for the replacement of the Bald Eagle Lake <br />Outlet. The City has secured funding from MnDOT through the bridge bond funds, and received <br />a commitment for a grant from the DNR pending approval of a grant agreement. City Engineer <br />Jay Kennedy talked about the collaboration with the DNR and their commitment in the amount <br />of $160,000, which is half the cost of the Dam itself. RCWD has indicated a funding <br />commitment and will be considering an agreement at their October 22, 2014 meeting. The St. <br />Paul Regional Water Services had responded in writing to the City's request for their assistance <br />by saying that it would be best for Hugo representatives to present the request to the Board at the <br />November 4, 2014 meeting. The City will continue to complete bridge inspections but does not <br />commit the City to ownership or replacement, and this is stated in the agreement. Haas pointed <br />out that the inspections are already being done by the city. <br />
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