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2013.05.06 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2013 CC Minutes
2013.05.06 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 6, 2013 <br />Page 4 of 8 <br />directed staff to meet with the City Engineer, project engineer, and respective residents to discuss <br />stormwater drainage on the project site. Staff met with them on Thursday, May 2, 2013 to listen <br />to their concerns, and many of the residents attended this evening's meeting. <br />John Udstuen, 15190 Everton Avenue North, said he has been at his resident for 19 '/Z years and <br />has never experienced any water problems in the past, but he has concerns over the church's <br />plan. <br />Arnie Triemert, 15220 Everton Avenue North, agreed with Udstuen and said he is starting to <br />have water overflow from the development on the north and does not want that from the south. <br />Richard Mead, 15128 Everton Avenue North, said he lived there for 27 years and has never had <br />a water problem. <br />Mike Happ, 15292 Everton Avenue North, has had the property there for 16 years. He said he <br />has lost three acres of front yard due to flood. He talked about a holding pond to the north that <br />was bermed and dry. <br />Jacob Siedel, 15350 Everton Avenue North, reiterated what Happ said. <br />Haas make motion, Klein seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2013-12 APPROVING A <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH TO ALLOW A <br />CHURCH USE ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4970 ROSEMARY WAY NORTH and <br />RESOLUTION 2013-13 APPROVING A SITE PLAN FOR CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH <br />FOR A CHURCH ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4790 ROSEMARY WAY NORTH <br />and RESOLUTION 2013-14 APPROVING A VARIANCE FROM THE BUILDING HEIGHT <br />REQUIREMENTS IN THE MEDIUM DENSITY MUTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENITIAL (R-5) <br />ZONING DISTRICT FOR CHIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED <br />AT 4970 ROSEMARY WAY NORTH. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to direct staff to investigate the concerns of the residents on <br />Everton Avenue, and report back to Council <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approval of CSAH 7 Pavement Rehabilitation Proiect <br />Washington County has proposed a pavement rehabilitation project for reclamation of CSAH 7 <br />from Goodview Avenue to Manning Avenue (CSAH 15) to be completed this year. There will <br />be no change to the alignment or width of the road in Hugo, and there will be no cost to the City. <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy explained that Washington County is requesting mutual consent for <br />the project. Jay also explained that the City is typically the permitting authority for the RCWD <br />rules; however, since the project occurs in portions of the RCWD in and outside of the City <br />boundaries, it makes sense to request RCWD serve as the sole permitting authority for this <br />project. <br />
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