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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for September 16, 2013 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />that provides a half million dollars in services to Washington County and the cities of Stillwater <br />and Bayport, who are not a part of the Washington County Library system because they predated <br />the establishment of the County library system but are but under contract with the County to <br />allow their participation in MELSA. The City of Lake Elmo has opted out of the County library <br />system, creating its own library; therefore, Lake Elmo is not a part of MELSA. Marine on St. <br />Croix also has their own library staff with volunteers, but they have remained a part of <br />Washington County Library system <br />Conley explained that a city may levy for a library but state law mandates that a county must. <br />The City of Hugo pays approximately $350,000 to the County each year for its portion of the <br />levy. Pat explained that there are approximately 7,600 Hugo residents who use the library, and <br />approximately 3,500 books pass through the Hugo Library Express each month, which has been <br />in the City of Hugo for 38 months. As part of the library system, a card holder has access to any <br />library in Minnesota, including academic libraries, with the exception of six city libraries. Pat <br />talked about electronic services stating that approximately 5% of items checked out were e - <br />books and audio books. <br />When asked what the future plans were for libraries and what the future library would look like, <br />Pat explained that it is based on a population to build a 25,000 square foot building at .45 square <br />foot per resident. Pat stated that the facility plan will need to be updated for 2018-2019. Hugo <br />was on the radar but one question was when will the Forest Lake Library will be too small. Pat <br />predicted that future libraries will not have as many books and their virtual branch will expand. <br />The demand for e -books was increasing, but they are very expensive for the library. A recent <br />survey of residents done by the Library showed that access to high-speed internet, e-gov <br />services, and story time for children were important to them. <br />Council Member Haas explained that the City of Hugo was not aware it had a choice on whether <br />to be a part of the County library, and said the Council needs to be diligent in examining the pros <br />and cons. He said he appreciated the information provided. <br />Mayor Weidt stated the services provided were good, but he was concerned with the number of <br />transactions verses what the City was paying. Hugo has a large children base, and the City needs <br />to provide them services. The level of services the City has needs to be evaluated. <br />Library Pat Conley stated that the County sees the need to establish a subcommittee to look at <br />Hugo library services. <br />The Council agreed that the City needed to work with the subcommittee to get this information <br />for discussion at the Council's Goal Setting session in 2014. <br />Update on CSAH7/CSAH8 Intersection- County Enizineer Wayne Sandberg <br />CSAH 7 and the first 500 feet of CSAH 8 north of CSAH 7 are in need of resurfacing. In light <br />of the pending CSAH 7 resurfacing project, Washington County has developed design options <br />for the CSAH 7/CSAH 8 intersection, which was not completed as part of the recent CSAH 8 <br />resurfacing project. County Engineer Wayne Sandberg was at the meeting to review the options <br />with the City Council. <br />