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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for February 6, 2012 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />Update on On -Street Parking on 1481t—h Street North -Historic Legion Villas <br />At its January 23, 2012 meeting, Council considered the request of resident Hank Schnider, 14897 <br />Foxhill Avenue North, to prohibit parking on 148th Street between TH 61 and Foxhill Avenue. <br />His main concerns were school bus safety and the parking of large vehicles along 1481h Street that <br />impede visibility. Council directed staff to contact the school district to determine if there were <br />any issues with the busing along 148th Street North. City Engineer Jay Kennedy informed the <br />Council he had discussed Mr. Schnider's concerns with the school district and was told they have <br />not had any issues with the buses. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to send a letter to Hank Schnider to thank him for his <br />observance of this issue and inform him the Council felt that to prohibit parking along 148th street <br />at this time was not warranted, but the situation will be monitored. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on Goodview Avenue Road Improvements into Grant <br />At its January 23, 2012 meeting, the Council heard information from City Engineer Jay Kennedy <br />on highway and interstate road projects scheduled by MnDot for spring/summer 2012. Council <br />had concerns regarding the poor condition of the unpaved portion of Goodview Avenue from <br />Hugo into the City of Grant, which will likely be used as an alternate route during construction. <br />Council had directed staff to work with White Bear Township, Ramsey County, and the City of <br />Grant to work out an agreement for improvements to this section of Goodview. City Engineer <br />Jay Kennedy informed Council a meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 15, 2012 at <br />6:15 p.m. at Hugo City Hall. Mayor Miron and Council Member Tom Weidt offered to attend <br />this meeting. <br />Petryk made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the meeting and directed staff to keep the <br />Council informed. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on January 19, 2012 I-35 W/E Coalition Meeting <br />The I-35 W/E Coalition met on Thursday, January 19, 2012 at Hugo City Hall. City <br />Administrator Bryan Bear updated the staff on this meeting where there was a lot of focus on the <br />topic of the I -35E MnPASS Project. As part of the I -35E Cayuga Project, MNDOT is proposing <br />the addition of a MnPASS Express Lane between Pennsylvania Avenue and Little Canada Road. <br />Carpools, buses and motorcycles could use this lane for free; however, solo drivers would pay a <br />fee to use the lanes. To proceed with this project, approval of a legislative bill was necessary to <br />specifically authorize this lane as a toll lane. Bryan explained there was a house bill and senate <br />bill currently going through the senate committee, and the City should decide whether it wants to <br />support this bill. <br />